Chapter 19: I cannot stop loving you

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James' POV

Im still holding the memory of the day when i first met you 8 years ago...

Shgurr just moved out of the town about nearly a month before that day, ...

It was Sunday morning, i remember myself covering in the blanket in my dark little room where light could hardly reach.

I was crying and i was hearing things in my head.

Just like you, there were the voices which always haunted me when i slept, making me do things i could never imagine i would do like cutting myself for example.

Who knew how long i had been keeping myself inside those walls ?

I still remember i spent day by day just sitting in that room drawing and eating instant noodle only beside going to school in the morning.

At one point, i was imagining myself living and dying in that room for the rest of my life.

So that morning, for some reasons i decided to step out from my room and go outside for a bit.

I went to the park that Shgurr and I often hung out in. I sat on a bench under the shade of a tree, watching other people having fun with their friends out there.

I didnt have any friends then beside Faith and Shgurr.

I was consider a loser, a comic nerd, a crying baby and a freak which was totally true. I asked myself then why would there be anyone who wanted to make friends with me?

I was looking down at the ground, hiding my face under my hoodie and cried.

The only thing i ever saw at that point is pure darkness, i was feeling like falling into a pit with no escape. To be honest, i was ready to end my life at any time but...

"Hello there!" A kind voice called me up from my depressing delusion. When i looked up, i saw a black-haired half-Asian girl who is smiling cheerfully at me.

The girl: "Wanna come play with me?"

James: "Wh-Why me?"

The girl: "Well my friend Kate is busy today so i dont have anyone else to play with and besides you seem alone, so i guess you would want company"

James: "Bu-But im just a freak. You dont want to play with a freak"

The girl keeled before me, she lifted my head and looked straight me in the eyes: "I dont see your a freak at all. All i see its a boy who needs a friend."

James: "You sure?"

The girl: "My mom always says 'never judge a book by its cover' which means you should understand people first before deciding they are good or not. So do you still wanna play with me?"

James: "O-Okay.."

The girl: "Hooray lets go" then that girl held my hand and pulled me to do all sort of crazy stuffs with her.

That was the second time i felt the light shining through my life again after Shgurr left.

But there was something more than that.

It seemed to me that this girl also didnt have lots of friends. People kinda talked things behind her back too. But somehow she still kept her bright sprit and her outgoing personality.

She always gave out a big smile under any circumstances.

She showed me the good that i could still have in this world and taught me with her action that i could always find happiness in life.

Just with a short morning screwing around in the park was already enough to make me the person who i am now.

And that girl was you, Jaiden. You had saved me and i has always wanted to thank you since that day.

8 years later, we had met again and studied the same class.

I recognized your face instantly because you held a special place in my mind, even tho you absolutely didnt remember me.

When i saw you broken down like that, i knew that this was the chance for me to thank you by saving you out of your depression like you once did to me so many years ago.

I know that i have to look after you.

Thats why at this moment i will find you!!! I will not let you die like this!!!
=End of POV=

After James jumped down the sea to save Jaiden, the night sky starts to rain above.

James uses all his strength to swim in the middle of the sea while the storm is becoming bigger every seconds.

The wind is making the sea moves more aggressively, but James still calling and searching for Jaiden when he finally sees Jaiden floating.

He swims toward her but the waves just keeps him further from Jaiden.

Despite all that, James still keeps trying his best to save Jaiden and eventually, he manages to grasps her hand and pulls her back onto the shore.

When they gets to the shore, James carries Jaiden into a small cave near there.

They are both soaking wet. James is super exhausted right now but he resists from falling asleep because he has to check  on Jaiden first.

He puts his finger near Jaiden's nose to see she is not breathing and her heart seems to be pumping slow, too.

James is panicked but calm down soon after.

James: "Alright! All i have to do is CPR"

He puts his two hand on Jaiden chest and pushes repeatedly. There is water comes out from her mouth. Her heart starts to go back normal.

Now all he has to do left is exchange air in her mouth.

With no hesitation, he pulls her mouth widely, carefully lift her head and puts her lips on his.

He breathes in and out gently. He feels the warm and the softness of her lips while he is "doing CPR with her mouth"

Finally, he feels the air starts to come out from her nose so he pulls his mouth out quickly. Jaiden coughs and start turning her head slightly. James is successfully saving her.

James lays Jaiden back down in the ground slowly and gives out a big sigh: "Hehe thank god, your safe now Jaiden"

James hears Jaiden mumbling his name: "James..James..."

James: "Are you awake Jaiden?"

Jaiden says unconscious: "James..."

James: "Look like she just speaking in her dream. Wondering what she is dreaming about me?"

Jaiden: "I hate you..James."

James surprised: "What the heck?"

Jaiden still speaking in her sleep: "You hurt me..i wanna hate you.but..i cant...because..because.."

James is still confusing at Jaiden words so he leans toward her to clearly hear what she is trying to say.

Jaiden: "Because..i cannot stop..i cannot stop loving you...James.."
Wow. Never thought i could be this cringy.
Oh well. Hope you enjoy this chapter and see you later!!!

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