Chapter 16: Amusement Park: Alex and Tim

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At a pizza food stall, people is gathering around to see two guys doing a challenge of finishing 35 pizzas on the menu in 15 minutes and those guys are none others than our favorite bros team, Tim and Alex.

They just now finished the 34th pizza, but still looking strong and unstoppable.

Everyone is taking pictures and screaming for them because this is the challenge that most people claim " impossibly unbeatable".

But this two are gonna prove to the world that they are wrong, just by finishing one more dish of pizza.

Alex yelled: "Its time to end this!"

Everyone is going crazy.

Tim stands up on the table, looking proudly. He points at the baker: "My good amico, bring on the ULTIMATE PIZZA!"

Baker with an Italian accent says: "Presto sarà qui, signore" as he quickly gets back in to get the pizza out.

After few seconds, finally the true moment has begun as soon as the giant pizza gets placed on the table.

It is about 10 diameters, divided into 10 slices. Every slices has a thick cheese layer beneath the others ingredients.On the top, there are sausage,ham,chicken, pork, tomatoes, cucumbers and chilly sauces, placed into perfect position. The aroma is amazing, it can physically make someone faint just by smelling it.

Alex says with a dramatic voice: "This is it pal, the end of the line"

Tim closes his eyes and takes a deep breath: "After this, our names will be written in the history"

The two keeps watching, wondering if this is worth the fight, asking how it will end and hoping for the best.

Everyone is silent, watching our "heroes" goes on the final journey.

The clock is ticking, they have exactly one and a half minute,...
Alex and Tim fist-bumps, then the two yells: "Lets do this"

Our "heroes" dive in, taking the first big slice. They share it, take it all into their mouthes at once.

They are chewing, struggling to swallow, look like they wont make it with just the first slice, but NO! with just two cups of water, they manage to get it all in.

The people are cheering but not yet, its only the beginning, the clock is still ticking.

They start to regret their decision but with each other, the power of friendship will defeat any challenge.

With that, the two go on...

After 1 minutes and 15 second,

There is only one piece of pizza left, the piece is just slightly bigger than their hands but Tim and Alex are too overwhelmed.

Both of them try to reach the final destiny piece but they are just too tired. Their visions get blurry, their stomach hurt a lot, their legs are getting crushed by gravity and all they are feeling now is the urge to vomit.

The people nervously watch the two. Some of them are thinking "This is it. They lose" but some are still believing in them.

Alex looks at Tim, his hand placed on Tim's shoulder: "I will take the bite. You can rest now"

Tim accepts, but suddenly Alex faints on the table.

Tim shakes his bro: "No, wake up bro. You cannot do this to me" but Alex doesn't respond...

There is only 5 seconds left...

"I will do it" Tim says as he reaches for the final pizza piece.

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