Chapter 15: Amusement Park: Dom, Tabbes, Chilly and BlackSen

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A/N: Dont question anything! Listen to this video NOW!!!
Its cute and i love it!!! Good to hear when your writing stuffs
This song is from my 'Mom'😛, Miss-Cutie-Cat
Thats all lets start with this chapter!

Now go back about 1 hour before the event of the last chapter.
Chilly, Tabbes, Dom and BlackSen form into one group.

Chilly and Tabbes are best friends so that was no surprise that they would  go together. Dom just wanted to follow Chilly and BlackSen didnt know who to go with so he just went with Dom.

Chilly is running around her friends: "What are we gonna do? What we are gonna do? Do do do do do..."

BlackSen: "Okay Chilly, chill chill! You can save it for later. So what do you want to do first?"

Chilly: "Well, i am planning..."

While BlackSen and Chilly are talking, Tabbes notices something. Its Dom, he is looking at Chilly constantly.

Tabbes seems to know what is going on and she doesnt allow it. So she walks up to Dom, takes out the baseball bat she has with her in the bag and shows it in front of Dom's face.

Dom surprised: "What the heck?"

Tabbes threatens Dom:"Stop looking at Chilly with that creepy eyes of yours!!!"

Dom: "Or what? You gonna beat me up?"

Tabbes: "Obviously!"

Dom: "I dont think Chilly gonna like that"

Tabbes: "She doesnt have to know about that"

Dom: "Really? I think she already had a clear idea"

Tabbes: "Wdym?"

Dom: "Turn right!"

Tabbes turns right as Dom said and sees Chilly looking at her holding her bat against Dom's face.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TABBES?" Chilly runs toward the Tabbes and pulls Dom away from her "You shouldnt have hurt your friends like that"

Tabbes: "Well i didnt hurt him. He looks fine"

Chilly: "But your about to, right?"

Tabbes: "Well yeah, he is the one who-"

Chilly: "No Tabbes, There is always another way better than violent. I told you to never forget that"

Tabbes: ....

"Just in case, Dom will stay with me so you wont hurt him" Chilly says as she drags Dom with her.

Dom turns to Tabbes behind Chilly's back and mocks her with his tongue sticking out his mouth.

Tabbes gets really annoyed and just silently follows them

And BlackSen, he was just standing there watching everyone before moving.

Along the way, they have passed many different food stalls.

Chilly and Dom eats a lot. They seems pretty happy when they eat with each other. Dom keep teasing Chilly making her giggling and stuffs.

Tabbes just gives Dom a death glare wherever they go. She is holding her fists all the time, ready to knock anyone down at any times. She just cannot trust Dom being around Chilly like that.

BlackSen notices this unusual behavior of Tabbes so he asks: "Hey Tabbes, your face seems a bit scary!"

Tabbes: "Oh, Sen. Yeah, i get a little bit of stress lately"

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