Chapter 7: I am grateful to you, James

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Jaiden wakes up in a deep black void. She looks around confused and worried "What is this place?" She asks.

'Your future' A voice echoes behind her.
"Who said that?"
'Its us'
"No..." she slowly steps backward
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" She turns around and runs as fast as she can into the unknown void ahead.

She keeps running and running, not knowing where she is going

The voices "chase" her.

Something pulls her legs, makes she falls over.

'Come back to us Jaiden!!!'

She is able to tear out this black slimy thing that wraps her legs and she keeps running again.

After awhile feels like eternity, she stops.In front of her are bars, standing tall and blocking her way. She is looking at the bar and heavily breathing with her eyes widen, terrified, not knowing what to do now.

In the distance, she hears screaming, yelling her name. She knows that they are getting closer.

She runs a different direction, she turns left. But suddenly there are more bars raising from below her feet, she turns back and runs forward, only to find MORE BARS blocking her. It is obvious that those bars are trying to lock her in with those things.

The screams quickly become louder and louder. They have found her...

In despair, she tries to BREAK the bars with her FISTS. She punches the bar so hard that her hands can physically break. But she doesnt care...

She keeps punching them without stopping as she sobs and yells:
'Hey sweetheart! So glad to see you!!!'
They have come....

Jaiden turns around to see.......herself?....more like.... "herselves"

She was expecting some kind of monstrosity but no, she only sees herself. Multiplicity of herself with all kinds of different negative feelings : sad, anger, regret,etc. You name it!

'Come on Jaiden! Whats wrong?' the clones of Jaiden start to reach out for her.

Jaiden standing there frozen her eyes widen as big as they can, her face becomes pale, her heart beats so fast that her breathe cannot catch up.

She holds her chest tightly as she sees the clones of herself melting into this black liquid. This liquid also comes out of their mouthes, eyes, and looks very disturbing!

The clones, they mixes into one another. They becomes this black giant amalgamated blob thing.

It is truly NIGHTMARISH....

It stretches its arms and grasps Jaiden.Looking at it, Jaiden is too scared that she cannot even speak a word. The monster opens its mouth and it slowly brings her in. It is about to feed her.

She closed her eyes
"This is it.." She thinks as tears running down her face.

???: "No, thats not true!"

Jaiden opens her eyes after hearing that.She feels a light shining behind her. She turns back right away.

Beyond those bars, there is LIGHT and someone is standing there in front of it.

"You will never alone" the person speaks loudly, echoing the entire void she is in.
"Because i am here with you, all of your friends are here with you!"
"You are kind, cute and caring. Who would hate someone like that?"
"Even if this world hates you, i still be with you"
"We will fight this together! All of us!"
Jaiden becomes speechless. All of her fears have been wiped out. For a very long time, she has found true HOPE again!

Jaiden: "Gahhhh! Where-Where am"
Jaiden wakes up on a bed, covering in a blanket. She seems to be in the school's medical room.

As she looks around confused, the nurse with a purple hoodie shows up.

GingerPale: "Hi! How are you doing?"
Jaiden: "Uhm...i am fine now! Although my head is still felt dizzy!"
GingerPale: "You will feel just fine later on."

He the gives Jaiden a tomato. "Here have this! Its a very healthy food!"
Jaiden takes it "Thanks!Mr.....?"
GingerPale: "Call me GingerPale!"
Jaiden: "Okay Mr.GingerPale! What happened?"

GingerPale sits down and hands over Jaiden some kind of medical file.
GingerPale: "Read it carefully to understand more of your condition!"

Jaiden looks through a bit:"I-I..have 'epilepsy'?"
GingerPale: "Yes but lucky for you, yours is a very low state of an epilepsy! Nothing serious about it but still i think you should go to hospital after school to have a more careful check-up on you!"
Jaiden: "Can you give me a brief explanation of what it is and why it happened to me?"
GingerPale: "Sure!"
GingerPale explains:
"An epilepsy is a quite common neurological disorder and it happens to any people at any ages. Epilepsy can be similar to 'seizure disorder'.

Epilepsy can affects people differently. Some can get amnesia, some can get electrocuted slightly without touching any electrical objects or some can only get a bit of headache. Its very unpredictable and a person who have epilepsy dont often show symptoms for other people to know.

In your case, you get paralyzed.

Paralysis may sounds scary for you but in this situation, it is not really a big deal.It only happened for a limit of times but it might comes back, idk. Thats why you need to get to hospital.

And for the reason, well.....
The common cause of the epilepsy is the past brain injuries but you dont seem to have those.
The causes of epilepsy are a lot and very random. Until now, they still cant found the real reason behind epilepsy

But based on what your friend,who brought you all the way here, have told me...."

Jaiden: "who? Can you describe him or her?"
GingerPale: "He is pretty tall and has a blonde hair"
Jaiden whispers: "It's James!!!"

"Anyway! As i was saying,....
The real reason you have epilepsy is because you have too much stress in your head, you are thinking too much."

Jaiden: "Really?"

GingerPale: "Yeah! Your friend-James told me about the voices inside your head! I guess its when your thinking too much, the mind inside your head split into different kind of thoughts. Mostly negative thoughts i assume.
Your always fighting those negative thoughts.Even just when you were fainting recently, i can still see you shaking and sweating.
Because of that, your nervous system weakened and caused paralysis to you. And also because you probably went on a diet for too long before, James also told me that"

Jaiden: "Thats good to hear! So can i ask how long have i been asleep?"

GingerPale: "Since the lunch break it has only been one class! Now take rest! I will call your teacher!"

Jaiden: "Yeah i will"

GingerPale: "Oh and remember to thank James for carrying you here soon enough for you to get treatment! I dont know what would happen if you stay like that longer, even just a bit"

Jaiden's eyes widen: "Really?...I will be sure to thank him!"

After the nurse leaves the room to make the call, Jaiden lies down a bit and chuckles. She has no ideas why she is so happy. Her face turns red without her noticing as she keeps mumbling:
"I am grateful to you, James!"
A/N: what the heck? More than 1000 words! I cannot believe i would go this far!
Hope everybody enjoy this chapter, even though its kinda boring!

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