Chapter 4: Friends

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The principle of the school is about to have an important big speech for the first-year students so everybody is rushing to the P.E room.

Faith gives out her big sigh: "Ughhhhhh why do we have to attend this boring school speech?"
James: "Stop being an 8-year-old kid, Faith!"
Faith: "If being a kid means i have a more comfortable life, then i will do it"
James: "Why are you like this,Faith?"
Faith: "Then why are you being serious, James? I though you supposed to be funny"
James: "If we get scolded in the first day, is it still funny to you and our MOM?"
Faith: "*gasp* your right! We definitely have to go now! Hurry up! Dont be a turtle!"
James thinks: "That was easy!"
Jaiden's mom is now driving her to school with the speed of light like she is in a Fast and Furious movie because they are about to be late.
But luckily they have arrived just in time!

Jaiden's mom turns to the backseat to see a head-spinning Jaiden "Sorry about that sweetie but we are now here!"
Jaiden opens the door and steps outsides with her mom behind her yelled "Have a good day at school!"

"Thank Mom" Jaiden said with the most happy face she has but in the inside of her are anxiousness, scares and doubts.
'Welcome to hell Jaiden'
"Shut up!" She whispered to the voices inside her head "i will prove to you that you were wrong"
'It will be fun to see you try' the voices fade away....for now.
She takes a very deep breath and starts to walk in the school.
After a few minutes, she finally finds the crowded P.E room. Her hearts beats fast, her mind gets overwhelmed by thoughts:

"Okay Jaiden you have done this before....just another assembly.....nothing to worry about....have to be confident and make a good impression......but where do i sit? Come on i dont wanna run around just to find my seat, it will cause a lot of attention.....wait i just need to find where my class is and i just need to sit the same row as them but who is in my class.....i know!Rebecca!....Where is she? Rebecca please show up i cannot take it anymore....So embrassing walking alone like this.."

As she lost in her thoughts, she accidentally bumps into someone and drops her stuffs all over the grounds.
"Oh sh*t, Jaiden !what have you done? First day at school and look! You messed up" "I am so sorry i didnt mean to" "Whoever it is, please forgive me" she thinks as she trying to pick up her stuffs

"Here let me help you" the person that she bumped into talked and he/she kneels down to help her with her stuffs.
Jaiden is still looking down, embarrassed.
The person starts to notice her reaction: "Its not just your fault, you know. I was looking for my sister so i wasnt really looking where i went"
Jaiden is still feeling awkward. She keeps avoiding eye contact and just replies: "yeah..."

When they are done sorting out her books and her paper. The person brings his/her hand in front of Jaiden "Here let me help you get up" the person kindly says
Jaiden accepts and takes the hand. She stands up and finally looks at the person. In front of her is a blonde haired boy who looks very tall, smiling cheerfully at her. "So yeah, i am going to my seat now"
Jaiden: "Yeah..."
James: "Dont you know where your seat is?"(Yeah, all of you should have known that is him by now)
Jaiden getting shy: "Uhm yes..."
James: "What is your class?"
Jaiden: "I...havent"
James: "So you know any people who also gets into your class?"
Jaiden: "Yes!...there is this.. one girl i know called..Rebecca-"
Before she can finish her sentence, James interrupts her: "Rebecca Parham, am i correct?"
Jaiden: "Yes...Y-you know her?"
James: "Yes i do, we study in the same class so that means you too. Now come with me!"
Jaiden: "Wow thank you so much-"
James: "Dont be! My name is James and you are?"
Jaiden: "Its Jaiden"
James: "Thats a pretty name, Jaiden!"

After he said that, Jaiden gets a little bit red on her face. She has never felt something like this before. A feeling of butterflies dancing in her stomach, the feeling that makes her heart wanna fly out of her chest and she, for some reason, keeps her eyes staring at James for the rest of the day. She seriously dont know what these feelings are and she just assumes those feeling are just .... "Friends"

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