Chapter 13: Besotted Fools

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Finally done with summer class 😍 I'm so happy 😭 I can finally update!


"She looked at me as she did love,
And made sweet moan."

She could not remember when her power came back just as soon as she could feel it, she was already flying. Flying towards where her wings would take her. To him. She didn't even bother to call them to follow her. Erza and Master is probably furious right now after Laxus left they arrived and we started searching everywhere,but she'll have to deal with them later. What come first at the moment is her incorrigible childish mate. There's lot of things they have to talk about and stuff to settle.

She will make him listen even if it means whipping him senseless.

A sudden flash of lightning from a far caught her attention. Quickening her pace she head towards the place where little bolts of lightning can be seen. She knows by heart who it belongs to and She could feel excitement and worry this time instead of fear and worry. Quirks of having her power back she can now fight fair. Upon ascending closer to the ground she could already tell that a fight happened with how deform the place is. She spotted the male not far away, she could only see his slumped shoulder.

"Laxus!" She briskly walk towards her mate. Calling on to him but her calling only fell on deaf ears as Laxus seems to have not heard her. She was only few inches away did he turn to her. Her heart fell at the sight of the person who she thought could never wear such painful expression in her whole life.

"I killed her, Mira." He said his voice quavering, "But why... Why am I not satisfied? She wasn't even putting a fucking fight! Why?! Damn it!" He growled.

She stood beside him and watched the lifeless body of the woman not too far from them. It was lifeless but still she couldn't missed the triumph expression on the dead woman's face as if it achieved something. Dead but spiting them. "I don't know." She answered truthfully, "Maybe because death wasn't supposed to be her punishment." She said looking at him, he is still in his form. The lacrima must have been in his possession already but his form is dominating it at the moment. Looking at Laxus for moment she suddenly feel pissed for a reason she didn't know and before she could even comprehend what she did her tail already made contact to the defenceless male that he was sent flying feets away.

"Why did you have to kill her?" She ask crossing her arms as she walks towards him, tails ready to attack.

"She ruined everything." He said not meeting my eyes. His wings covering almost his body, shielding.

"What everything?" She ask again while throwing numerous attack on him. Which he just took without complain.

"You." He gasped, trying to get up.

"If you had not done it in the first place. This would have never happened, Laxus." She said, stopping her assault.

"If I had not done it." Laxus chuckles emptily, smiling bitterly, "I would have never gotten close to you just for a short while. I could never hold you at my current state then. You never liked me one bit. So I took the chances without even thinking it would hurt you or would lead to this. I'm sorry..." he said morphing back to his human form.

Hearing those things...



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