Chapter 3: Lost

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I stood gaping at Porlyusica. Dragon's season? I have zero idea on what it entails. I glance at Erza to see her wearing the same expression of bewilderment. Porlyusica sighed at our ignorance and shook her head.

"Dragon season. It's when Dragon's are given a time to search for their other half. Their mates. I never really know its exact date of the season as for some twisted fate's reason they rarely happens. It strikes at certain year and in a certain month. Last record for when it happened was half a century ago." She explained, "I do not know the full details, however, I have a book that contains further information." she hand us the book which we took a little bit eagerly. I feel like my ships are about to sail. I can't wait to know more about it. I glance at Erza as she too look very interested.

"How come you knew about the Dragon season, Porlyusica?"

"I just know. What proved my assumptions is that Wendy came to me yesterday saying she feels funny and that she know it's dragon season. Apparently, her dragon mother told her about it. How she knows it's the season remains a mystery to me." She shrugged.

I got worried at that, "Will Wendy be alright?"

"Don't worry. She will not get affected by it for she's far too young physically to develop such sense of mating yet." She said looking at the people in the guild with disdain. She really hates human.

Relief, I smiled at them, "That's good to hear. I'll read the book as soon as I get home." I turned to Erza, "Wanna come over and read it with me?" She nod and we excuse ourselves from Master and Porlyusica. The day went by as we resumed our post. Evening came. Time to go home and do some serious reading.

"Mira, have a good night!"

"Bye Mira!"

"See you tomorrow!"

"Have a great evening everyone!" I waved at them before exiting the guild and strolled the cold evening of Magnolia. Humming to myself I walked the busy street leading to my apartment. After everything is settled down with Zeref I got more income from my job at Jason's company and rented an apartment of my own close to the city and the guild but I made it sure it was facing the forest. Me and my siblings Lissana and Elfman finally decided to live on our own. Only... We are literally living next to each other though. But it's a good thing. I still worry about them so having them near assures me.

I was nearing my house when I suddenly feel uneasy. I glance around me for any sign of danger till my eyes caught something like a flickering light in the forest. I inch closer and sharpened my eyes in the forest and saw a flicker again but it was slowly diminishing. What caught my attention was the color of the light. It was yellow. Lighting. Laxus. He must be training. I turned around hugging the book close.

"He sure does trains a lot. That Laxus." I said, "Better not disturb him."

Not. I entered the forest and followed the little flicker in the dark forest. My gut feeling is saying something's not right. I reached the place and called out the blonde male. The flickering now completely gone. The forest quiet and cold. No one answered but I know he is here. I can sense his presence. His distinctive smell and something familiar. Blood.

"Laxus?" Adjusting my eyes in the dark place and I roam my eyes until it landed on a figure sitting on the ground with its built leaning on the tree. Bend and crouching his lower abdomen.

I quickly went over him.

"Wh-who are yo-you?" He asked between gasped. "Where a-m I..?

His question caught me of guard, I frowned, "Do quit jesting, Laxus. What happened to you? What are you doing here?" I asked seriously and touched his abdomen and my hand immediately coated with blood. I got more alarmed. "Laxus! We need to get you to the guild! This is serious!"

"You know me..?" It was a question. His voice is somewhat untrusting and doubtful. And in pain.

"Of course I do! I grow up with you." I was getting disparate that I want to simply drag him.

He was gasping and grunting in pain that he is preventing himself not to move for it only add more to his suffering, "I- I do-n't rem-remember ever-everything. Help me. It hurts."

I got more confused, worried and panicked that without even thinking I transformed into my Satan Soul which made the male to look frightened and cowered away. He's looking as if this is the first time he ever saw it.

"Don't look frightened. I won't hurt you." I assured him, tails waggling creating a noise which I think made him more doubtful. I sighed and hosted him up on my shoulder like he weighted nothing. He screamed in pain. I quickly positioned him safely and comfortable enough not to cause further damage to his injuries.

"I won't hurt you." I said and start exiting the forest fast. "I'll bring you to the guild."

"N-no.. I do-dont- please don't." He grunted in pain. Clinging to his consciousness. I weighted the options as the continued to walk. He could be in danger and the guild is the best option but although he might-

"I might ki-kill them too.. ple-please."

My ears perked at that. Something definitely happened there and I will know about it then I will tell Master. If this turns out a bluff at least I'm the only fool. "Stay awake, Laxus." I said as I quietly reached the house. Luckily Elfman is on a mission with Evergreen and Lissana is visiting the girl's dormitory and staying over the night. I entered the house and walk towards the guest room depositing the blonde male in the bed. Looking at him now with lights on, his face almost covered in blood and his large injury in the abdomen. I dashed out of the room and get the things I need to treat him. After whats seems like hours I had him cleaned and patched up. The male now in deep slumber. Wearing Elfman's plain T-shir.

I sat beside the bed and observed him for any sign that he is in need of a serious treatment. His head wrapped almost covering all his hair. His breathing a bit laboured but not like hours ago. So far I did good and my treating skills improved a lot since then. Since I saw him in the same state he is now when he swallowed the poisons to save his friends. Seeing them like that made me feel hopeless that unknowingly I started to want to learn more about treating wounds and illness. I quietly left the room and prepared dinner not even minding that it's already late.

I kept on checking him every now and then and eventually fell asleep on the couch after changing into my sleeping get up. I was in deep sleep till I feel something close to my face. I opened my eyes and was greeted with a pair of curious orange eyes. The male is now leaning down on me as he sits beside the couch. Not even blinking. Blushing I look at him. "Laxus... Are you alright?"

He nod at me not saying a word.

"What a sight to see."

"Why tha-thank you-" I frowned. He did not even lift his mouth when he speak. And his voice is different. Almost like-

"Erza!" I got up. I saw Erza leaning on the doorway comfortably. "Did I disturbed a strawberry time?" He raised her brow. I reddened at that.

"Of course not, Erza. You see.." I trailed off moving my eyes towards the large male standing beside me. Wearing a unreadable look. No recognition in the eyes of our visitor.

Erza finally noticing the appearance of the male gave me a questioning look. "What happened to you, Laxus?"

The male instinctively move to stand behind me upon hearing his name. Clearly not trusting Erza which the latter throw more questioning look. I sighed. "Sit down. I'll explain as best as I can." I took a sit back in the couch. Laxus took a sit on the floor close to my legs. Looking at Erza in alert and tense that I couldn't help myself from brushing my fingers to his hairs comfortingly.

Erza took the single seat facing me. Waiting patiently to what I'm about to say.

This is going to be a long night.



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