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We didn't see Uncle for the rest of the night or the next morning, and I wasn't sure if he even approved of me spending the night. I knew it was strange for teenagers to sleeping over on school nights like this...especially a girl staying at a boy's house, but Luke was so nonchalant about it that I tried not to worry.

The day flew by before I could even blink. I went to school, showed up to my classes despite how pointless it felt now, and brainstormed summer plans with the boys during lunch. They were naming off dozens of different landmarks and places to go in Charleston, and I couldn't tell if they were doing it for my benefit—having never been to these places myself—or because they truly enjoyed them.

But from the way Kota's eyes lit up when he talked about the Charleston Museum, I figured it wasn't just for me.

Victor, North, and Luke tailed along with us after school, and we ended up turning into Nathan's driveway.

"Family meeting tonight," Kota explained when I asked. "It's easier to have them here if we aren't having them at Victor's, especially with my mom being home."

It made sense, but the airconditioning was giving me goosebumps so I quickly swapped my skirt for jeans before Luke tugged me along to play on the Xbox. North and Kota took over the kitchen to get a snack together, and Victor followed us into the living room, dropping onto one of the bean bag chairs.

We played a few rounds of car racing before Luke took over to try out the new Zombie survival game Nathan got last week. It wasn't a two player game, so I knee-walked over to the bean bag chair and Victor pulled me into his lap.

"We're almost there, Princess," he said softly, wrapping one arm around my waist as he combed a few fingers through my hair. It was almost too relaxing, and I rested my head against his collarbone to enjoy it. "Two more days."

"And then what?" I asked, feeling my heart soar. I was going with the boys; they weren't leaving me behind. No matter how many times I repeated it to myself, I ended up feeling just as giddy as when they first told me we were all getting out.

"That's probably something we'll discuss at the family meeting today," Victor said, his tone turning a little distracted as we watched Luke battle a hoard of zombies. Victor's lips rested against my scalp, planting a soft kiss there. "Like you joining the Academy. Officially."

"Officially," I echoed, unable to restrain the smile that stretched across my face. Victor chuckled against the top of my head, running his fingers along my side. It was soothing, but also tickled a little, and I cleared my throat to try and fight off the urge to giggle.

"Thirsty?" Victor asked, tapping individually against each of my ribs.

I actually was, so I nodded and started to climb off of his lap. But Victor tightened his arm, tugging me back against him and resting his chin on my shoulder. "Oh, no you don't. You're staying right here. Just tell Kota or North to bring a drink back with them."

It felt lazy, but he had a point. If North and Kota were going to join us soon....

"North!" I tried to yell, but my voice couldn't get very loud and I was met by silence from the kitchen. It was difficult to hear over the sounds of zombies groaning and being chopped into pieces. "Luke, can you please turn the TV down a little? He can't hear me."

"Just text him, Cupcake," Luke said distractedly, busy shooting bad guys on the screen. At least I hoped they were bad guys.

"He's right in the other room, though. Texting him would be silly." I shook my head. "Can you yell for him, please?"

"North!" Luke shouted, his fingers moving frantically over the game controller in his hand. I turned towards the doorway, expecting North to come grumbling back in, but we were once again met with silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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