The Unraveling of Trust

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A/N: Sorry, I feel like you guys might hate me after this one.

Also...this is really embarrassing. Are we seriously only on chapter nine of this story?! *facepalm*

Chapter Nine: The Unraveling of Trust

Sang: Are you busy after dinner tonight?

Silas: I'm at the Diner until 8. Why?

Sang: Do you want to come over when you're finished? We can watch a movie.

Silas: I'd love to, Aggele. x

I slipped my phone back into its pocket, with a smile on my face, as I pushed my locker shut at the end of the day

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I slipped my phone back into its pocket, with a smile on my face, as I pushed my locker shut at the end of the day. While I did want to watch a movie with Silas, I was also determined to talk with him. Sending a text saying "we need to talk" may have set off a few alarms, so I settled on something subtler.

It had been difficult to focus the rest of the day. Kota's words kept echoing in my head, whispers about Silas talking about me with the football team. It made my stomach coil, the idea that he would discuss our intimate moments with people I considered absolute strangers.

But I was trying my best not to assume or jump to conclusions. It was most likely a misunderstanding, and we would clear it up tonight.

That didn't stop me from covertly watching the football team extra-closely all day.

"You ready, Peanut?" Nathan asked from his relaxed spot against the lockers beside me. "We're meeting Luke at the cars."

"Ready." I nodded, patting my locker's paint-chipped door before meeting Nathan's pace as we headed towards the front entrance. "Are you coming over to Luke's with us?"

"No, I can't today," Nathan answered apologetically, as we passed a group of younger students goofing around by the drinking fountain. His hand touched the small of my back as we gave them a wide berth. "I need to run some errands, plus I've been hogging a lot of your time this weekend."

"I don't mind." I frowned, peeking up at his carefree expression. "I like spending time with you."

"Good." Nathan grinned, and I must've imagined his chest puffing out slightly. "But the other guys wanna spend time with you, too."

"Then let's all spend time together!" I beamed, pleased whenever the opportunity arrived. "Like we did at the park."

"If only it were that easy. Planning family time can be a little difficult when there's ten schedules to work around," Nathan chuckled as we turned into a less crowded hallway. He nudged me with an elbow, before his handsome smile morphed into a smirk. "Plus, you could say they'd like some of their own lion time...away from the Pride."

My eyes widened to his reminder of our morning together, and I turned my head forward. "Oh."

"Yeah, 'oh', " Nathan echoed with a soft laugh, tugging on my backpack's strap. "But not just that kind of alone time, Peanut. Any and all time with you. Even the chance to work at the Diner—or do homework—with you is fun."

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