Possible Side Effects

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After Silas insisted on a few more healing kisses to make him feel better, we found Dr. Sean, North, and Nathan lounging in the family room.

Fortunately, Silas was still icing his shoulder so he hadn't bothered to put his shirt back on yet. I tried not to let my hungry eyes be too obvious when sneaking glances at his bare chest, but I was pretty sure he knew after the second time he had to repeat himself.

"All better, Silas?" Dr. Sean asked, with a grin that was too cheeky for my liking, from his spot on the couch. After sending the doctor a quick warning look, I let go of Silas's hand and headed to where North appeared to be sleeping next to Sean.

"I feel like a new man, Doc," Silas answered smugly as I gently sat down next to North. An ice pack was sitting on the bump, and the muscles around his closed eyes looked tense.

"How's he doing?" I whispered, leaning over a motionless North to try and see around the icepack. I couldn't see any part of the bump, but his mouth was pinched into a firm line.

"Peachy," North grunted, his eyes snapping open so fast I almost lost my balance on the couch. I couldn't contain my gasp, one hand moving over my heart to try and calm its rapid beating.

"North," I scolded lightly, bringing a hand up to hover over his arm. "Can I get you anything? Maybe a blanket or hot chocolate? More painkillers?"

"Pookie, North has had enough advil to make a two thousand pound bull not feel his own castration," Dr. Sean snorted before standing up and wiping both hands on his slacks. "But it looks like these two are in good hands, and I better head out for my shift at the Hospital."

"You're working today?" My frown deepened. "I was hoping you could stay for dinner."

"Patients don't heal themselves, Pumpkin," Sean grinned, his eyes twinkling as he held out his hand, palm up, towards me. "Walk me to the door?"

"No," North objected with a frown, one of his large hands coming down to rest on my thigh. "I'm injured, Sang. Don't leave me."

"Shove off, North," Nathan laughed, his eyes not leaving the racing game he was playing. "You got a little bump, not a bulletwound. Don't think you can just milk more special treatment out of Sang."

It was too late, I was already leaning over North again, rubbing one hand over his shoulder while combing another through his hair as soothingly as possible. North's eyes closed at the contact, and he sank deeper into the couch.

I may have imagined it, but I could've sworn he purred.

"Nu uh, Pumpkin!" Dr. Sean objected before arms wrapped around my waist and I was pulled off the couch. "I'm calling dibs on you for two minutes."

"Careful, Dr. Sean," I warned as he waddled towards the foyer with me dangling in front of him. "You probably don't want to get too close to me while I'm cursed, or you might end up with a black eye."

"Now, now. Don't tempt me, Sang," Dr. Sean chuckled, swinging my legs side to side as we reached the front door and he set me down. "I'm far too jealous of the injured boys already."

"Jealous?" I echoed softly, turning around to see his handsome face grinning back at me. "Are you some sort of masochist, Dr. Sean?"

"Masochist? Dear Lord, no," Dr. Sean shook his head, settling his steady hands on my hips. "However, I've always been a fan of preventive medicine."

"Is that so?" I asked quietly, resting my hands on his stomach.

"I'm afraid it is, my darling Sang," Dr. Sean grinned, his face lighting up with boyish happiness. "I read somewhere, or maybe heard some wise old saying, that an apple a day keeps the doctor away."

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