CHAPTER 1: A normal day at the office

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You were waking up to the horrible sound that your phone makes to wake you up.

"ugghh" you groaned and picked up the small device and made the awful noise stop.

You stretched yourself and got up from the cozy and warm bed, "I owe you so much my love" you whispered to the furniture while going to the kitchen. You prepared a slice of toast and a creamy coffee. Waiting for the toast to jump out of the toaster you turned on the radio as usual and listened to news or music depending on time and radio channel. A boyband called bts was playing on the radio and it suddenly made you feel more positive than usual. "this is quite a bop actually" you hummed, your positive vibe was soon nowhere near you as you looked at your half burned toast and bit on the bread... the bitter taste somewhat reminded you of your coworker Jasmine who would always mock on you and brag how wonderful she is...

"wonderful my ass" you thought and smiled afterward. You looked at the clock and finally, you snapped back to reality and left the radio and almost finished toast and coffee, you hurried to the bathroom fixing your... everything, obviously you were a mess so you took a shower instead. After around your usual time in the bathroom, you got out and got your office outfit from your dresser which was nicely hung and ironed the other night together with your other five office suits that look all the same. You got your keys and left for work. After about half an hour your stomach was growling... I guess the burnt toast wasn't enough for you.

You knew a street-food cart near your work and that music production studio called big hit

"excuse me!" said one male who was only a tad bit taller than you...

The male was quite attractive and you saw him before too. He was coming from the other building running towards the street-food cart...

"can we have the usual for seven, Kim?" he said wholeheartedly and looked at you afterward

"that's a lot of food you got there buddy" you smiled

He returned the gesture and replied

"those are not just for me, I am sharing them with my hyungs."

You just smiled while the male gave you some food

"you don't have too uhhh..." you did not know his name

"Jimin... my name is Jimin, and you are not a human being for not accepting this food" he laughed and you laughed with him.

"thank you again I'm Y/N I work in the other building as a secretary. I don't do much though"

You frowned while Jimin was happy on the other side

"that's wonderful Y/N we are looking for a new secretary for our producers I have a calling card from our company, please consider this because we have no luck in finding a secretary with a great personality... and I think you have a wonderful personality" he gave you the calling card and you waved him goodbye

"I will contact your company soon" you smiled while shrugging and went running towards the building ... Jimin was smiling running to the practice room telling the others about the new girl.

"wow Jimin that is great news, finally someone can take care of PD-nim and Yoongi" applauded Namjoon

"hey! I can take care of myself, Namjoon" replied Yoongi with anger in his features

"are secretaries also in charge of cooking the food? I wonder if she is nice... and cooks well" thought Jin out loud which gave him a smack on the head from Taehyung

"stop ima'JIN'ing your future with someone you never met or know"

"Jin hyung is right though.. not about the cooking but the girl's personality... how was she, Jimin?" asked the curious maknae, Jungkook

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