"Listen up, you lot," Neville says, stepping out of the portrait hole.  Seamus grumbles.

"It's not more of Abeforth's cooking is it?" he groans.  Neville shakes his head and steps aside.  Standing behind him are Harry, Ron and Hermione.  They all look worn down and Harry and Ron's hair almost reach their shoulders like they had in fourth year.  All of a sudden, the entire room is alive with activity.  People spring up from their corners and their hammocks and crowd around the trio as they climb down to the centre of the room.  They all clap for him.  Their saviour is here.

"Lightning has struck!  I repeat, Lightning has struck!" an excited boy shouts into a microphone broadcasting to let the D.A. and the order know.

"Welcome back, Harry!" an excited Ravenclaw girl smiles, going up to Harry.  

I stay in my seat, watching as Harry announces that we need to find Ravenclaw's diadem with the help of Luna Lovegood.  Hurriedly, Ginny returns to the room.

"Snape has called a meeting.  He knows Harry's been spotted in Hogsmeade," she says nervously, her hands quivering a bit.  "Come on.  We have to go or it'll be suspicious and we'll be punished."

Everyone nods and they file out in silence.  I join the back of the pack and Hermione spots me.

"Harry," she whispers, nudging him a bit.  "Go on."

"Y/n!" Harry calls over to me.  I turn around and look him in the eye.  His eyes travel down to my arms where my sleeves are still pulled up.  His next words come out in a reluctant stutter.  "H-How have you been?"

"I think you know, Harry," I reply, sadness welling up in my heart.  "Draco isn't safe and I haven't talked with him in months, I'm not safe, Hogwarts is hell, there's no end in sight, and I can't do anything about it.  I'm powerless and there's no comfort.  I can't go to the one person I know can ease all my pain and my guilt away with a hug.  I doubt you'll be able to understand.  You think he's a bastard."

I turn around swiftly so I can join the others.  A tear slides down my cheek as I remember his face and how it feels when he holds me close, his silvery eyes looking into mine, but someone grabs my hand from behind before I can get away.

"Y/n...  I-I'm so sorry.  I know that doesn't begin to make up for what I did, but I realise what I've done was wrong.  It took me too long to get to it, I know, but I apologise.  W-We all do.  All three of us.  We shouldn't have left you alone.  We made an awful mistake.  Real friends don't leave you alone...," Harry says, his voice breaking at times.  "The truth is, we really missed you, but I was so focused on You-Know-Who along with convincing myself that I was right and you weren't that I ruined all three of our friendships with you.  Please...  I know you probably don't want to forgive us, but if it means anything to you, I'm trying my hardest to that when this war ends, you'll have a place where you and Draco can be together and not have to worry anymore."

Harry looks up nervously at me, waiting for an answer while the world seems to be going much slower than it did.  After a moment, I smile.

"Thank you, Harry, for that apology," I say with a smile.  "Come on, I'm gonna help you get where you need to go."

Hermione and Ron gasp in excitement and Harry throws his arms around me.

"I swear, y/n, I'll never treat you like that ever again!" he smiles widely, almost crushing me with his arms.

"Okay, okay, Harry.  Let me go!  Draco's gonna be furious," I sigh.  "I can't believe it took you over a year and a half to apologise...  Draco's right.  You really are that thick."

"Well, thanks!" Harry says angrily as I hand him and the others a uniform cloaks and we leave the safety of the Room of Requirement.


I rush through the crumbling halls of Hogwarts right behind Harry towards the Room of Requirement to find the diadem after seeing Helena Ravenclaw.  I know in the back of my mind that there's a chance that I won't make it past today, but I try to shove it back into the depth of my mind and focus on helping Harry again.  We come back to the blank stretch of wall and the door appears again.  We step inside, but this time, it's full of junk piled high up to the ceiling.  My eyes widen and Ron sulks beside me.

"How are we gonna find it now?" I groan.

"Let's spit into.  We have to find it as quick as possible or we're never going to beat him," Hermione says.  "Let's go, Ron."

Hermione and Ron rush off to the left and disappear between two stacks of old desks.  I look over to Harry and he nods as we set off straight into the mess of old stuff.  Looking up and down, I don't know where to look first.  After a few minutes, we've found nothing but the Cornish Pixies from year two.  Looking down the way I see an old, grey bust with a shimmering silver object resting on its head.

"Harry..." I whisper over my shoulder.  Harry looks up from a pile of books on a table.  I point over to the bust.  "Look..."

"Y/n!  You did it!" he shouts with glee and we both run over to the statue.  I stand to the side as Harry reaches up to the diadem, but he lowers his hand as we hear heavy footsteps rounding the corner.  I wheel around, but all I see is a familiar set of eyes.

"Well, Well... If it isn't-" 

"DRACO!" I shout, rushing forward and throwing my arms around him.  I hear a wand clatter on the ground and he grabs my waist tightly and I cup his cheeks with my hands and l press my lips against his.  he returns the gesture eagerly.

"Y/n...  I'm so sorry...  I just-,"Draco starts to stutter, but I just kiss him again.

"Not now.  I don't care.  I'm just so glad to be able to do that again...  It's been too long...," I sigh with relief.

"I've missed you, love," he smiles as I hug him tighter and enjoy the moment.

"I've missed you, too...," I reply.  We split apart and smile.  I nod to Crabbe and Goyle who are staring at us, dumbfounded.

"Wait...  What are you doing here... With Potter?!" Draco suddenly says angrily.

"Calm down, Draco.  He was helping me," I explain.

"Why?  You haven't spoken in years!"

"Well...  We sort of made up. Harry had...  let's say a revelation," I say.

"But-" Draco tries to argue.

"Nope!  I know you don't trust him, but I think you should listen to what he has to say."

I raise my eyebrows in Harry's direction.  Harry awkwardly steps forward to address Draco.

"In summary, Malfoy, I realised that nobody deserves to be deserted or alone... Especially if you're someone like y/n," Harry sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Well, Potter.  I can't believe I'm saying this, but I couldn't agree more," Draco smiles with a firm nod.  "For the record, I still hate you for leaving y/n like that.  That was a dick move."

I smile and burst into laughter.

"You both are complete idiots!" I laugh, almost doubling over.  Harry and Draco both look over at me, but instead of frowning, their smiling.  I didn't know it'd feel this good to have all of my friends back.


A/n:  This imagine was 1,854 words long!  Thanks for reading!  More up next!

- Soiea

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