Chapter 15

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it was sunday, and josh was sleeping in our bed.

i told him i'd be there in about thirty minutes, but that was an hour ago and dammit, my hand hurts. not even half the page was full and i wanted death. this is too much. i should've listened to josh and studied with him on friday, but did i?



because i was almost done with supernatural and things are getting good, sue me.

i decided i needed a break, and the roof's never failed me before. just as i was about to get up from the couch,

knock! knock!


"come in!" i shouted, loud enough for him to hear but quietly so josh wouldn't wake up.

"hey, ty." brendon said, running a hand through his hair and shutting the door.

i looked up at him, placing the textbook on the table while he sat down in front of me.

"do you want to tell me what happened?" he asked, crossing his legs and facing me.

"with brent?"

"yeah. what did he do?"

and i told him everthing. from the first day to the last, everything that happened exactly the way it did. i wanted to tell him about ryan, knowing he wouldn't believe me. but he kept asking what about ryan?

"he fooled me into getting into his car. he said you needed to get milk from the store at two in the morning." i rolled my eyes, disappointed that i would even believe that.

"but i don't drink milk." brendon squinted his eyes at me.

"i know."

"this makes no sense, tyler."

"brendon, i'm telling you. ryan was in on this."

"ty, you're my bestfriend, and you know that. are you sure you were one hundred percent there when everything happened?" he placed his hands in mine, looking at me.

he only does that when he's trying to convince someone.

i blinked at him. is he kidding?

"i think i would know what happened before i was drugged."

"sometimes chloroform makes you woozy."

i pulled my hands away from him, knowing exactly what he was trying to say.

"i wouldn't fucking lie about this! ryan took me there and was working with that piece of shit brent to try and use me and josh! that's the truth!" i stood up, clenching my fists at my sides, angry.

"tyler, you're being ridiculous!"

"no, i'm not! ryan is not who you think he is!"

"maybe you're not who i think you are." he furrowed his eyebrow, standing up as well.

"we've been friends since third grade, dumbass. don't you think now's a little too late to be saying shit like that?"

"why wouldn't ryan tell me about this?"

"why would he? he's trying to get on your good side for this exact reason!"

"you're crazy." he shook his head, walking towards the door.


"shut up, tyler! just shut up. you just want to get in between us, which is fine. i'll cut you out if i have to. ryan's one of the best things that's happened to me, and i won't let anyone change that. not even you."

i didn't respond, too shocked to say anything. is he really picking some boy over me? the one who's been there all his life, standing by his side, over someone who he just hugs and kisses all the time?

i was so upset, sighing loudly and wiping away involuntary tears sliding down my flushed cheeks as brendon slammed the door shut. i wasn't sad about it, though. you know when you get really mad, and all you could do is cry?

this was unbelievable.

Hiatus is over! Im so excited for Trench in October! And ill be going to their tour in November!  The new songs on the album are seriously my will to live. Welp need to stop with my vents, So ill see you in the next chapter! bu-bye!  ^_^

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