Chapter 14

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Happy belated Christmas

brendon literally hugged the life out of us when we returned to the apartment, immediately taking us to the emergency hospital. we were fine, our bruises and cuts healing normally by now. it was traumatic, to say the least, something that i would never forget for a long time. i was just happy nothing seriously bad happened to us. brendon had called the police prior to us coming back, and by the time we got there, they had already checked brent's room.they just didn't know where he was.

that left a weariness over me; brent was still out there and he was alive. he knew where we lived; what if he tries to hurt us again? josh told me to try not to think about it, but it still creeped into my thoughts every now and then.

christmas passed already, but the breeder was nice enough to let me pick up the cat for josh even after the holidays. josh somehow was able to get me my presents on time, and of course i was late with getting his. i was carrying the giant box into the living room now, the kitten meowing softly inside. i left a little space for the cat to breathe and not feel so trapped, but josh was walking down the hall right now and was wondering why i was struggling to hold a giant, wiggling box.

"ty, what is that?" josh pointed to the box, scratching the back of his neck with his free hand.

"a present." i replied, smiling slightly.

the top of the box fell off, the kitten peering at josh from inside of it with its big, blue eyes.

"no fucking way. no way!" josh squealed over the kitten, picking it up from the box.

it immediately purred and rubbed his face against josh's hand, making him coo.

"merry belated christmas, babe." i said.

"merry belated christmas?"

"you know what i mean."

he stuck his tongue out and smiled at me, petting the cat's soft fur.

"thank you so much, ty. really, this is the second best present i've ever gotten."

"what was the first?" i asked, curious.

"well, on october tenth, i saw this really cute guy who was super tired sitting with his bestfriend-"

"stop." i smiled, lightly punching his shoulder. "you're so cheesy."

"you love it."

"maybe." i looked up at the ceiling in mock thought. i did. "but seriously, you deserve it. i'm glad i could make you happy through this." i gestured to the cat in josh's arms.

he set it down, reaching up to cup my face in his hands, my cheeks slightly squished.

"tyler, i want you to know that you don't need to get me gifts for me to be happy with you. just being with you is enough to make me feel like i'm on cloud nine. don't ever forget that, okay?"

i blushed under his gaze, honestly not expecting that. he was too sweet, i didn't deserve him.

"i love you." i said, a smile slowly spreading across my face as i took josh's words to heart.

"i love you, too." josh kissed me slowly. it wasn't heated, but it was still passionate and got his point across.

the cat let out a loud meow, interrupting me and josh. i laughed at it, going to dispose of the box somewhere while josh played with the cat. i came back, sitting back on the couch. the cat jumped on the into my lap, curling into a ball and just...laying there.


"what should we name her?" josh asked.

"i don't know. i think we should name her something cute."

"how about tyler?"

"i said something cute, josh." i shot him a playful look and scratched the soft, grey cat behind its white ear, smiling when i heard her purr.

"and i then i said tyler."

"but that's not even a girl's name."

"see, now you're being sexist."

"what?" i shot him an incredulous look.

"tyler could be a girl's name. and i think we should name it tyler."

"okay, tyler it is, then."



"tyler!" josh called from the studio, catching my attention from the kitchen.

i was trying my hand at homemade cat food, we ran out of dry kibble yesterday and weren't leaving until later to go to the store. i poured the cat food into tyler's bowl, who was already strolling into the studio. i followed her, hit with the smell of vanilla and pine incense as well as paint. i saw josh in that same color covered shirt, taking off his glasses upon seeing me.

"hi, tyler. hi, tyler."

the cat meowed, standing on her hind legs and pawing at my shins. i picked her up, hearing her purr and felt her soft face rub against mine. tyler was adorable.

"hi. you called?"

"yes, i wanted to give you something."

josh took the canvas off of the easel, turning it over and showing me, his hazel eyes peeking over the top of it. paint streaked the canvas, primary and secondary colors blending together to create beautiful hues on it. i noticed how the pink, pouty lips and the brown eyes in the painting looked, stretched across white teeth in a smile. he even added the dimples.

"josh," i set the cat down, pressing my hand over my heart, "this is absolutely beautiful."

it literally felt like i was looking into a mirror. a pretty mirror that made everything look amazing. he went through all this trouble to paint a portrait of me when he never asked me to model for him.

"how did you paint all of this without me being in front of you?" i asked, holding the painting in my hands.

"i could never forget what you look like, ty." he gave me a look, smiling slightly.

"you're amazing." i blushed.

he pressed his lips to my forehead, the incense rubbing off on him and catching in my nose.

"merry belated christmas."

Life seems good (When you're here) - JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now