Chapter 5

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"joshua, did you find that roommate, yet?” another r.a., i think his name was vic, asked josh from outside my door.

oh, shit.

i was supposed to move in with him by today. would he get in trouble? i completely forgot!

“uh, yeah, actually. he’s just...” i heard shuffling outside the door, “...getting his stuff together now!” josh basically shouted, which told me i needed to get my ass moving.

i heard josh make small talk as he tried to stall, and i ran to the linen closet. with a shit ton of effort, i was able to take out a big ass suitcase from the top shelf, running to my room and throwing literally everything in there. i made sure i didn’t miss anything in my drawers, and put all my books in my backpack. i didn’t really have anything else to get, everything i left was more like a pair of scissors and papers.

“well, where is he, josh?” vic asked.

i opened the door with all my shit in my hands, sheepishly smiling at vic.

“i’m right here, ready to move in with josh.” i said.

vic noticeably checked me out, eyes running from my head to my feet and back up to my face again, a smirk growing on his face. “cool. i’ll come by tomorrow to inspect your room, and the landlord will know.”


“tyler. that’s a beautiful name.” he smiled, showing off his white teeth.

“thank you?”

he nodded, walking off down the hall, his pretty hair flowing behind him. i looked at josh, raising my eyebrow. he just shrugged and gestured for me to come inside of his apartment. i awkwardly shuffled inside with my hands full, and he noticed, taking my suitcase for me. he opened the door to his bedroom and put my suitcase on his bed.

“this is my room. feel free to do whatever you want.” he said.

“where are you going to sleep?” i asked, taking in the band posters on his black wall. i liked the neon yellow nirvana logo on one of the walls.

“i’m sleeping on the couch. you’re a guest, you should have the bed.”

“thank you, josh. but you shouldn’t sleep on the couch because of me. i’ll sleep on the couch.” i insisted, knowing i’d feel horrible if i took this bed. it usually wouldn’t be a big deal to some, and i don’t know why it was to me, but i just wouldn’t.

“are you sure, tyler?” josh asked, scratching the back of his neck.

i nodded, hugging him so he didn’t feel bad. “thank you anyway, though.”

i went back into the living room, sitting down on the couch. josh came and joined me, sitting right next to me when there was so much space. i didn’t mind, though.

“do you want to do something today?” i asked, feeling like going out.

“sure. there’s this taco place that’s super good. you like tacos?” josh asked, resting his head on my shoulder.

“i do.”

“let’s go.” he got up, offering me his hand again and leading me out of the door.

josh and i walked to the end of the sidewalk outside of the complex, then we turned the corner and the only places i saw were mcdonalds and taco bell, everything else was office buildings.

“ah, there it is!” josh said, tugging me across the street and opened the door to taco bell.

“josh, this isn’t a restaurant.”

he put a finger over my lips. “don’t question, this is a great restaurant.”

i playfully rolled my eyes, going up to the counter. josh ordered two tacos and so did i, and of course, when the lady asked if we wanted the twelve for twelve, josh said yes. i don’t know how we would eat all those tacos, but i didn’t question.

we took our bags of tacos and walked back to the apartment complex, taking the stairs up to the roof and eating them, letting our feet hang over the edge as we watched people walk past.

“you know what would be bad?” josh asked.


“if we dropped these tacos on people walking past.”


“i’m not going to try it, but that sure would suck. i don’t want to waste a taco.” he shrugged, taking another one out of its wrapping and eating it.

we ate our tacos in silence, but it wasn’t one of those awkward ones. i didn’t mind not speaking, i was perfectly content with josh’s presence. my stomach churned as i thought of him, and i mentally cursed as my heart started beating hard in my chest.

i suddenly didn’t want to eat my taco, my stomach already full with butterflies.

i set it down on the ledge next to me, leaning back on my hands. i looked up at the moon, reminding myself that i was just like it, according to josh. that somehow made me feel better about the stress of college, knowing that i was important to someone.

knowing that i was important to josh dun.

“tyler?” josh asked. “are you okay?”

“yeah.” i smiled.

i liked josh.

Life seems good (When you're here) - JoshlerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat