Chapter 3

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(Mentions of suicide and  depression)

i woke up to my blaring alarm clock, pushing the button on top for it to shut the fuck up, and going back to sleep. it was saturday today, but i could never figure out how to set my alarm for weekdays only. oh, well.

the only bad thing is i couldn’t go back to sleep no matter how hard i tried, and none of my friends would be awake at 8am on a saturday.

well, maybe one person.

i got out of bed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and blinking to restore my blurry vision. sunlight was casting shadows on my carpet, allowing me to see the specks of dust floating through the air. when i actually thought about it, it was gross having so much dust everywhere, but the sunlight looked pretty as it bounced off the specks and i couldn’t complain.

i went over to my door, checking if josh’s door was cracked slightly or something, just a sign to tell me he was awake. the halls were empty right now, silence creeping through the complex like a virus. i focused on the room across from me, and almost tripped over a giant box outside of my apartment, catching myself on the door frame. i looked around the hall for anyone running away or making sure i got the box, but it was no one.

i read the piece of notebook paper that was fastened onto it with scotch tape.

dear tyler,

i know you’re tired from school, so i went out and bought these for you. hopefully, you are able to use them. stay awake, i want to see you today. my room door is open :)


i carefully opened the package, and inside were red bull cans stacked neatly to the top of one another. no wonder it was so heavy. i’d be sure to thank josh for these, the good lord knows i needed them. i dragged the box into my room, shutting the door and just putting it into my fridge after much effort. the good lord alsoknows that i would not be putting these individual cans there, it’s too much work.

i took a shower, putting on those weirdly patterned leggings that brendon decided would be hilarious to get me for my birthday. i acted like i hated them, but they were actually quite comfortable and i liked them a lot, but brendon doesn’t need to know that. i picked up a pink shirt that was on the floor, putting that on and a flowery kimono over it. i didn’t give a shit about gender roles, this was a comfy outfit and whoever wants to make fun of me can, i don’t care.

besides, it was clean.

i knocked on josh’s door, going inside after a few seconds to make sure he wasn’t doing anything strange when i went in. you never know.

instead, he had thick rimmed glasses resting on his nose and he was holding a pen in his hand, clearly studying.

“oh, sorry. i didn’t know you were studying.” i said, prepared to leave.

“no, it’s okay. i see you got my package.” he glanced at the red bull that i had in my hands.

hey, if it was there, i’m going to drink it.

“you look cute.” i blurted out, surprising myself. but it wasn’t a lie. he had on the glasses, his messy hair covered by an oversized, black hoodie that went past his hands.

“so do you. i like your leggings.” he said, smiling wider.

i returned the expression, closing the door of josh’s room and going over to his desk.

“do you need help studying?” i asked.

“no, i need a break. do you want to go out?” josh asked.

Life seems good (When you're here) - JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now