Chapter 8

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“tyler, stop. you’re so embarrassing.” josh said, holding me up.

“i’m embarrassing you? you just can’t have fun, man. here, have this.” i handed him my drink that someone gave me, i didn’t know who. all i knew was that it tasted good and it was taking me places. maybe it would help him lighten up a little. he was so uptight, he needs to relax.

he took it and set it down on the table, leading me to the couch. we were at a party, my senses numbed and my ears blocking out the loud music blasting through the speakers. i was lightheaded, laughing slightly at josh as he sat me down on the couch, sitting next to me.

“’re cute.” i poked his nose.

“ty, i’m getting you water.” josh’s light tone made me smile.

“okay, man, whatever you want.” i rolled my head back, leaning against the couch as he left. was i swimming? why did i feel like i was underwater?

“hey, tyler.” i heard someone whisper next to me. he was blonde with blue eyes, a little scruff on his chin and cheeks.

“who are you?”

“my name is brent. i need to talk to you about something.”

“okay.” i said, sitting up.

“can we go somewhere else? it’s too loud here.”

“sure, man.”

i followed him, stumbling a bit as i felt my legs give out. brent caught me, his grip a little too low on my waist and a little too rough. i panicked as i couldn’t feel my legs, trying to walk by myself, but brent had to help me.

what the fuck?

i went into an open room with brent, sitting on the bed, my head beginning to hurt.

“what did you want to talk about?” i asked.

brent closed the door to the room. whatever this is better be important, i wanted to get back to josh.

brent walked over to me and roughly held my face in his hands, crashing his chapped lips against mine. i was caught off guard, gasping through my nose and catching a whiff of ladies’ perfume. immediately, i pushed him away, my heart pounding in my throat. i was still seeing double, and i still felt like i was swimming.

“i have a boyfriend! let me leave.” i dragged out, getting up.

“forget about him, focus on me tonight.” brent said, pushing me on the bed and pinning my hands above my head with one fucking hand.

he leaned down and kissed my neck, and i could smell the vodka on his breath. i felt really weak now, me trying to find strength to get away from him, but with the sensations of him on my neck and the weird drink kicking in. i honestly couldn’t move.

i was scared.

i was scared of the goosebumps forming on my skin from his soft kisses on my throat and i was scared of how close he was brushing his body against mine. this is the exact type of scenario your mom wants you to stay away from at parties.

“stop!” i tried to scream, but it only came out in a small whisper.

he muffled anything else by pressing his lips on my mouth, and i grimaced. i felt disgusting, i couldn’t even move! what the fuck was in that drink?

i tried to turn my head, successful that i was now facing the window that was pouring in moonlight into the dark room. i felt sick when i heard his breaths and i really tried to force myself not to react when he pressed his front onto mine. his lips left a trail of thick saliva down my throat.

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