I slightly furrow my eyebrows, he didn't seem as the type to like that color. I always saw him as a person that liked red or blue or something common. "Why purple?"

He smirks, placing a strand of hair behind my pierced ear once again. "Because you look sexy in the color." I smack his hand away and he holds back a shit-eating grin as he brings the glass up to his lips. "Kidding," He lets out a sigh, murmuring 'not really' under his breath before moving his hand toward my cheek, caressing it. "Because purple means I will 'trust and love you for a long time.'"

I stare into his eyes; I was looking for something. Maybe to see if he was lying, of course he was directing his answer toward me, but, I want to know if he was being honest.

He smiles and leans forward to kiss the bridge of my nose, catching me off guard. "My turn now, right?" I blink a few times, trying to get out of the daze I was suddenly put in before nodding. He takes a moment to figure out what he's going to ask me before lifting up a finger. "Why'd you move to Daegu?"

I look over at him to see his gaze piercing back. "I moved because of a break up. I wanted to start a new chapter in my life. I left Incheon so I wouldn't be constantly reminded of the times wasted on somebody who didn't even..." I look back at Taehyung. He was completely engrossed in what I had to say, never breaking eye contact. I sigh before continuing. "Who didn't even care enough to work things out. Jasmine took me to that bar to get my mind off of the break up and that's where my story begins with you."

I lower my head, gripping the fabric of the robe. I felt tears beginning to weld in my eyes. I grow angry at myself for still being stuck on my ex who probably forgot that I was even alive.

I take a deep breath and return my attention onto Taehyung again. "My turn?"

I need a distraction to forget about him and the infuriating male sitting beside me. I take a hold of the glass in Taehyung's grasp and bring it toward me, his hands long gone as I gulp down the satisfying red liquid.

I lower the glass and lean my body toward Taehyung more suggestively as I stare into his piercing eyes. He must of notice the shift in my mood, liking the new emotion as a smirk begins to rise on his lips; shifting closer.

I never realized how elegantly Taehyung would always dress until now. Always in some sort of fancy clothing; clothing that screamed out that he was rich and wasn't afraid to degrade you if you were to step too close to his disliking.

"Why do you call me princess?" I finally say after memorizing his facial details; the small mole on the top of his nose to his plump pouty lips or that he only has one double-lid. His slender fingers rise toward me again, tracing my cheek bone down to my exposed collarbone.

"I call you princess, because you deserve to be treated as one." His husky deep voice fills my ears, making me melt at the vibration. I slightly smile at his words. He gently tugs me toward him by my shirt, our faces inches apart. My hand wraps around his wrist at the sudden movement. He stares me down, watches me as if I don't realize he's doing it. A complete stalker. "It seems this game turned more suggestive, huh?" He says jokingly, a hint of arousal in his words.

I nod once, "That counts as your turn, and I guess you could say so." His eyes slightly widen at the realization before he chuckles darkly, waiting for me to ask him a question now. It was too hard to focus when I had a pair of irresistible lips right in front of me, taunting me to come closer. "How can you tell if I'm lying?"

I could tell he was taken aback by the question, his eyebrows slightly curving upward. He's about to answer until he hesitates, something popping inside his mind that halts him from continuing. "--If I say, something tells me you're going to find a different way to make it seem like you're not lying, right?"

"Don't answer a question with a question." I state firmly, crossing my arms. He studies my facial features for a moment before grinning. He hums, his comfortable warmth leaving as he shifts back into his previous position.

"You stare at me in the eyes with a factitious smile gracing your lips."

I look at him, watching his actions. His brown orbs shift toward me, but don't directly look into my eyes. He tilts his chin downward as a soft grin forms, his hand moving toward me to caress my thigh.

"I've grown to know that you're very manipulative." He confesses, his thumb circling the soft skin. "I listen and watch carefully when it comes to you so I can make sure I'm ahead at all times. Knowing you, one wrong move and you could easily slip out of my hands." His fingers dance across my neck, enveloping my throat into a firm grip to make his point clearer before pulling me forward dominantly. I quietly gasp, biting my lip. "Am I rubbing off on you?"

He quirks an eyebrow, smiling devilishly. I slightly lift my shoulders and mimic the grin.

"Maybe you are, Mr. Kim."

A low growl admits from his throat at the name I give him. He laughs out, nodding his head.

"Imitation; I told you you were manipulative." He takes a deep breath, fingers rubbing circles onto my thighs. "When we get home, I'll have the maids bathe and dress you for..." He shakes his arm, lifting the limb up to his face to check the time on his watch. "Lunch."

Home...That's what my 'home' is considered now, huh? That fucking institution.

I pull myself off of Taehyung, turning around to stare down at my lap.

"Is something the matter?" He asks, no emotion behind the question. I don't mean to be bipolar, just a bit aggravated that I'm being used now and there's nothing I can do about it.


"Clearly there's-"

"There's nothing wrong." I interrupt, quickly regretting my actions. Taehyung grabs my wrist, tugging me forward. I gasp at the sudden movement, whipping my head around to be face to face with him.

His stern gaze shatters mine, nervously looking anywhere but at him. "Watch yourself, princess." He runs his free hand through his hair. "You don't want to get punished before bedtime, do you?" My face heats up at his words, pushing myself away from him stubbornly.

He cackles at my behavior, moving back to give me some space. He keeps his eyes on me as his smile slowly disappears, his hand reaching up to cup the side of my face. The tips of his fingers tracing the small scar left from a knife wound. I can tell he wants to point it out, but keeps quiet instead. I know he was still pissed at Park Jimin for leaving his mark on what was Taehyung's.

I look away from his tantalizing eyes when we come to a stop.

"We're here sir." Jeongguk informs front the passengers side, getting out of the car to open the door for Taehyung. Before Taehyung gets out he looks back at me, glancing down at the scar. A smirk slowly rises onto his lips.

"Did it frighten you when he did that to you?" Out of anger, I punch him in the face. He groans at the impact and I swiftly turn around, unlocking the door on my side.

"You piss me off."

Fear | K.th [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now