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“Alice, wait, its not what it looks like.”

  The girl stands in her pajamas with a gun in her hand pointed at us. Her hands are shaking. Jack is Barely conscious.

“Its jack, he’s hurt, you need to let us get up stairs, his personal doctor is on his way,”

“What happened, how do I know this isn’t a trick.”

She seems barely over eighteen. This is Karen’s daughter huh.

“I…it’s n…not Alice,” Jack mumbles.

She exhales, stares at him for some moments then the gun goes down. She walks over to the wall and switches on the light then runs over to Jack.

“What happened?”

“He was in a fight.”

“ A fight? What? How?”

“We don’t really have time for that, we need to put him down somewhere and call his doctor.

“Okay, Get him upstairs to the living room, there’s a couch there we can lay him down on.”


Max and I lift and carry him up, we rest him on the couch, he looks in bad shape. “You’ve really done it this time, huh Jack.”

Max hurries upstairs to Jack’s house phone to get the doctor while I remain downstairs with Alice.
She paces around frustrated. I imagine she must be confused as well.

“Hey, there’s nothing to worry about… Jack’ll be okay…” 

just then jack wakes up coughing, I turn him to his side and pat his back, Alice hurries over… he looks at her,

“You can’t tell your mom about this Alice…”

She looks upset, she just stares at him, in silence . Max comes back in,

“The doc is on his way Elias, he says to just hold on with jack until he gets here.”


I look down at the bloody mess that is Jack. I knew this is what it would come too eventually. His luck has run out. Now I’ll see what Jack is truly made off. This has to knock some sense in to him, if it doesn’t nothing will.

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