Karen (Cont'd)

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"Jack what the fuck..."

"Jack I need to leave here now, I need to get home to Alice."

"Karen, no, I know you want to but she's fine..."

"No she's not Jack, she's not fucking fine what the hell..."

"Karen...love I didn't mean it like that, I just meant that things are handled and I will take care of her, I'll take care if everything... you don't need to leave, you just got there..."

"But Jack she's just been through hell, she must be in pieces right now, she needs me now... she needs me Right now."

"love... I know how you must feel and I knew you'd want to come home so I had my jet on standby, but according to airport officials, along the flight path there's a giant storm that's impassable... meaning even if u want to leave, you can't, not yet."

"What the hell..."

"I know babe... I know, I will deal with everything, the lawyers, Brice... Alice... until you get back okay... I'll handle it... I love you babe."

I hang up the phone and I break down, I can't hold it anymore, my baby, my Alice was hurt and I'm not there to help her, I just can't take this, it feels unbearable like someone's rested a brick on my chest. The tears just won't stop. Its amazing how you can go from on top of the world to under it in a matter of moments.

That monster hurt my baby. How could we have not seen he was that kind of person? What if Jack wasn't there? The sobbing turns in to shaking, and then to rage. I grew her all these years for that boy to hurt her? For him to violate her like that!
I don't think so... I will make it my mission to make sure he can never do this to anyone ever again.

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