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“Hey mom,” Alice embraces me, I’m so glad to see her, Brice hugs me after.

“So mom, you look all ready to go,”

“I am Ali, I really am…”

“Bring back some of those Chinese candies for me, especially the green Kit Kats that are hard to find around here.”

I chuckle, its Just like Alice to be thinking about candy before anything else.

“I will baby.” She smiles

“What about you Brice, any special requests?”

He just chuckles and shakes his head, they’re so good together, it amazes me every time, I’m glad Alice has everything she needs. This week she’ll spend with Jack, I really hope those two get along, I guess this will be bonding time for them. Alice will finally get to know the man her mom married.
I love them both with all my heart, if anything happened to them, I don’t know what I’d do.

“So Jack, are you ready to be a parent for a week,” Alice says to jack. He seems surprised. He just smiles. Typical Jack.

“Alice, be on your best behavior,” she rolls her eyes.

“I’m not ten mom.”

I can’t help but laugh, I hug her tight.

"I love you okay, You too Jack, I have to leave now, my flight was called so I came for my bags.”
" Yea, babe, we’ll walk with you to check in okay?”

We all walk down to the room where I have to wait for my flight. I put my things in to be searched and I start my final walk. I turn around and see the three of them standing, waving at me and I almost feel like crying but I know I’m being too dramatic, after all I’m going to be away only two weeks tops, its not like I'm going to live there. I sigh as I think about what lies ahead but I narrow my eyes and grip my bag tight... China, I’m ready.

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