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“So babe, when’s your mom getting back from China?”

I stare out the window at the cars passing next to us, I hardly feel like saying a word, the drink I took kicked in earlier things are a bit… wobbly.


Every time he says it now, I just cringe.

“In two weeks I think.”

“Oh, two weeks in china, I’d love that, we should go there some day, I swear I can’t wait til’ we’re able to travel together often…” He keeps speaking on and on, I used to love listening to what he says, now I’m indifferent, it just sounds like noise or nothing at all. Deep down all of these things hurt, that’s why I need to get away from him.

I have to end this relationship and move on to something more… new, more exiting.
  I need someone who knows the world better, who knows me better. I need to discover myself and discover what’s out there. I’m going to be 20 soon, no longer a teenager but not exactly a woman. These are the years people learn who they are, and I need to do that alone or with someone else. I love Brice, I always will as a person, but I’m no longer IN love with him.

   We pull in to the airport, get out and start walking toward where we think they’ll be. The airport is busy for a Sunday night but I pay no attantion to anything, I have too much on my mind. He tries to hold my hand, but I pull it away and walk ahead, I don’t care if he cares, we’ll be done soon. My focus turns to something else as I approach them…it turns to Jack.

  He looks so hot, one hand in his pocket with mom’s suitcase in his other. He’s so tall and strong looking. The stubble on his face lines his Jaw delisciously, it highlights his perfect features. He should’ve been a model instead of a C.E.O.

“Hey Mr. Carlisle.”

“Aye, um….”

“Brice, Alice’s boyfriend.”

“Oh, I forgot your name.”

His eyes fall on me, god he’s hot.

“Hey Jack.”

When I speak to him my voice goes so high pitched, I sound like twelve.

“Hey Alice.”

My eyes do that thing again where they block out everyone but him.
I swallow hard.

“Where’s mom?”

“I’m waiting on her to come back from getting her stuff cleared.. actually, there she is now.”
He points behind us.

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