Chapter 14: A Talk

Start from the beginning

"What are you guys doing here?" Liu asked.

"Testing the speeds of our dragons," Fishlegs answered.

Liu smirked. He knew the fastest dragon in there group is Toothless, but if his dragon and Y/n's we're here there would be a debate. He knew his dragon would be pretty close to the same speed as Toothless. As for the dragon Sky. Liu guessed that Sky would be the strongest and fastest flyer. He only thought this due to Salmens dragon. She was a strong flyer but he had little knowledge on the Nightfury. What he heard from Ashaw and Salmen about featherfurys being one of the fast flying dragons.

"Well, have fun," Y/n spoke before walking off.

Liu and Hiccup watched her walking away from the group.

"Go talk to her," Liu whispered to Hiccup.

He looked over at him and nodded. Excusing himself he hoped on Toothless and flew after Y/n. She didn't get to far. Landing carefully Hiccup rushes over to Y/n's side.

"Y/n, where are you going?" Hiccup asked.

She turned to him and sighed.

"I never liked crowds remember?"

That was true. She didn't like a lot of people surrounding her. Hiccup knew this but there wasn't many people in the cove. He let it slide and took Y/n's hand and hopped on Toothless, pulling Y/n up with him. Before she could protest, they were off in the air. Y/n clung to Hiccup. Once in the air he flew around the place where he first flew Toothless. Y/n recognize the place and smiled. They nearly died but that was also the day Hiccup and Toothless became one.

"Don't hit the sea stacks again," Y/n chuckled.

Hiccup laughed with her remembering how he hit them.

"Well I'd say I've improved since then," Hiccup smiled.

Y/n smiled with a little chuckle.

"Yeah, I can say you have too," Y/n smiled.

They both ended up landed on a cliff side facing the ocean. Giving a small smile Y/n looked out towards the horizon.

"There is some much more out there. So much more to see and discover," Y/n spoke.

Hiccup looked out towards the ocean then turned his gaze towards Y/n. An idea popping up in his head.

"Why don't we see what's out someday?"

Y/n blink, turning to Hiccup to see him smiling. She'd like to but then there was his new friends and Astrid. Not to mention that her brothers where only visiting Berk. They were going to leave and she didn't know what to do or where to go. Should she stay or leave? That question lingered. She didn't want to leave Hiccup and Toothless, but they had Astrid now.

"Hiccup is like to go but...," she trailed off not knowing how to say what she wanted to say. "I-I couldn't. I'm sorry but I just couldn't..."

Hiccup's smile fell and he looked and trying to keep the disappointment out of his eyes.

"Why can't you?" Hiccup asked.

Y/n opened her mouth to speak, but she fell silent not able to utter out any words. Hurt and wanting an answer, Hiccup asked again.


She didn't answer and Hiccup grew impatient.

"Why?" He asked again a little sternly.

"Because my family just found me Hiccup. Family I didn't know I had and we both know they aren't going to stay here long," Y/n shouted.

"So your going with them then? Leave Berk behind? What about Gothic and Gobber?! What about my dad?! What about Toothless?! W-what about me?! Are you just going to leave us because two guys show up claiming to be your brothers?" Hiccup asked hotly.

"They haven't given me a reason not to believe them! Your father knows them and trust them! And why do you care wether I go or not? You have the oh so perfect girl on Berk and new friends," Y/n snapped back. "Apparently I'm not as important any more. You've been hanging around them and around flying Toothless without saying a word to me."

Hiccup was silence. He didn't know what to say or how to reply. With his silence, Y/n continued.

"I'd enjoy seeing the world with you but I can't just turn away from my blood. I wish I didn't have this choice but I did," Y/n paused for a moment as tears brined in her eyes. "I don't want to leave you here but I know you'll be fine without me here."

Y/n let out a sighed and turned to leave. She didn't want her friend to see her cry. She was still hurting with the harsh reality of Astrid and Hiccup getting so close so fast. Walking away, she was stopped by Toothless. He put his snout on her belly and pushed he back to Hiccup.

She didn't bother to turn and look at him but what he did made her tears cease. She relaxed instantly in his arm and slowly hugged him back. His warmth always relaxed her. Including the scent of pine he always cared.

"I only wish the perfect girl wouldn't leave me," Hiccup muttered quietly.

Y/n pulled and looked at Hiccup questionably. She was sure he was talking about her and that made things conflict worse. The pull to stay a Berk grew.

"Don't leave," Hiccup spoke in an almost begging manner. "Please don't leave me and Toothless. We still need you. I still need you."

Y/n turned away with her tears falling unwillingly. She wanted to stay but that'd mean her brothers searching for her to bring her back would have been for nothing.

"Please Y/n."

"Hiccup, I can't."

He wanted to convince her to stay. He didn't want her to leave, but he knew he couldn't be selfish either. If she saw it fit to leave he knew he shouldn't make it hard on her when she does leave.

"I understand...I'm sorry. I just don't want to you to go," Hiccup muttered. "Your my best friend and...I love you Y/n.."

Y/n smiled threw her tears. Toothless nudged her gently. Y/n rubbed the top of his head and looked back at Hiccup.

"I love you too," Y/n smiled.

Hiccup tools Y/n's hand, pulling her closer. He lended forward kissing her head with tears in his eyes. His lips lingered there before he pulled her into another hug.

"I want you happy and I want the best for you," Hiccup whispered. "If you wish to go with them I want you to remember something."

Y/n place her chin on his shoulder holding him.

"Remember what?"

"Remember Berk and the people here. Remember Me and Toothless," Hiccup spoke, voice low. "And don't forget that I'll always love you no matter where you go."

Y/n back back and place both of her hands on his cheeks.

"I'd never forget home or the people I've come to love," Y/n replied. "And I'd never forget you or Toothless."

Hiccup smiled and lended in once more but this time he kissed her. When she returned it, it was more than a spark like he had with Astrid. It felt like he was exploding with joy on the inside. His heart flew even after they pulled away. It wasn't a surprise that Y/n felt the same inside.

They forgot about her choice to leave and lived in the moment Y/n knew she'd never forget in her life. Toothless purred and nudged both of them and gave them a gummy smile. Hiccup chuckled and hopped back on Toothless, taking Y/n's hand to pull her up. When they made it back to the house after a fly around the island. Heading in they parted ways after sharing a smile.

When Y/n made it to her room she remembered her choice to go. It hit her hard but it hit Hiccup harder when it hit him too. Love really did hurt.

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