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Jungkook's smile faded, continuing to drive. His mind trying to process when exactly she mentioned her stress other then last night. He remembered hearing her but he doesn't remember when or where.

"Oh! It wasn't last night, the other day when I told you about my conversation with my mom. I mentioned marriage and you seemed really stressed and annoyed and I wanted to help you. Please let me." Jungkook showed his teeth as both ends of his lips curled up. Nancy began caressing his hand once again and let her body relax a bit.

"Thank you...for trying to help me. I really love you."

"I love you too."

When they arrived at the boardwalk, Nancy jumped out of the car and ran over towards the steps to get onto the dock. With her boyfriend following not far behind her, trying to catch up.

"Baby slow down! I brought you here to relax not make yourself all hyped up till you explode. Come here." He used his fingers to signal he rover to him. Taking her hands into his.

"Jungkook don't worry I'm alright. I've never felt better, I've been stuck inside for a while and I just love the chance I get to be out." Jungkook chuckled and kissed her cheek, Nancy notice while looking around that Jungkook was getting a few hungry glares from girls surrounding them which made her very uncomfortable.

"Princess why don't we go play games or eat something. You look hungry."

"I mean I am but..."

"What's wrong baby? Are you okay? Are you hurt? We can go home if you'd like."

"No! We don't have to...I just...nothing never mind let's go eat." Nancy began walking away from him which resulted in him grabbing her wrist and pulling her into him. Hugging her tightly with no sign of being let go.

"You know you can tell me anything so please, talk to me."

"T-They're staring at you..."

"Oh baby don't worry about them, i don't love them I only love you. And no amount of girls stares could change that. They can look all they want but my heart belongs to you and yours, mine." He rested his chin on her head and closed his eyes. But Nancy ignored his words and broke free from his hold, she took his hand and guided him towards a game. Her steps brought them both to the milk bottle game, throw the baseball to knock down all the bottles. Once he had finished taking out all the bottles, a girl approached Jungkook ignoring Nancy completely.

"Hello Oppa~" Nancy cringed at her words and looked towards Jungkook who was just smiling and welcoming her.

"Hello Tzuyu. How have you been?"

"I've been doing very well, and judging by your appearance I can tell you are doing very...very good.." Tzuyu bit her lip and kept smiling, he nodded and looked down feeling a bit embarrassed. He had completely forgot his girlfriend wasn't too far away from the two.


"Well Oppa I was wondering...would you maybe want to go for food or something? I'm not busy so it should be a good time." She took his hand and started pulling him to a food stand. With Nancy standing their speechless, she stumbled back towards the parking lot and called a taxi. Pissed that Jungkook would leave her for some girl.

"He feeds me a bunch of bullshit because he knows it's what I wanna hear. Why do I even think to believe him..." Nancy sighed and hopped into the taxi leaving Jungkook with his mysterious friend. Thinking about everything, it only brought a pain into her chest. Once arriving home, she got into comfortable clothing and sat on the couch with her phone in her hand.

Nancy was woken up by the sound of a car door, which is when she realized she fell asleep. She rushed over to the window seeing both Jungkook and Tzuyu in the front yard talking and laughing. She looked like she was about to walk in the opposite directions of the house but he had stopped her. Pulling her to him, Jungkook kisses her deeply. A tear fell from Nancy's eyes as she went to the front door and opened it, staring at her boyfriend who was now making out with this random girl from the boardwalk that he obviously knew. Nancy clearing her throat caused him to pull away.

"N-Nancy." His voice cracked and he knew he messed up.

"Save it. Get her off you lawn, get some sleep. Tomorrow you're taking me to the appointment and then you're dropping me off at home. We are over." She walked inside slamming the front door shut. Jungkook pushes Tzuyu away and rushed inside.

"Nancy baby please it was a mistake you have to believe me...I don't like her."

"For one don't call me baby. Two if you didn't like her you would have your lips all of her face. This time you're sleeping on the couch. Enjoy." Jungkook grabbed her wrist tightly.

"Please I'm sorry."

""Sorry doesn't fix this. You promised me I was the only girl you wanted, first you ditch me for her leaving me stranded at the boardwalk to find my own ride home. Then I look out the window to see you making out with her. You're a cheater. You never fucking loved me, you used me. Go make her your wife." Her tears became more visible as she spoke. Rushing upstairs, Nancy slams the door closed and locks it.

"Why did he have to do this to me...?" She couldn't stay strong anymore. Her fist landed straight into the mirror the hung on the wall, the pieces cutting straight into her hand and blood dripped onto the carpet making it permanently red. Jungkook ran to her bedroom and banged on the door.

"Nancy are you alright!? Please open the door so I can help you!" The screaming only made her worse.

"You did this to me Jungkook! Just leave me be!" Her voice showing she was in pain, her eyes fixed on a sharp piece of glass. Giving up felt like the only option she had to get rid of pain, since it had been a feeling that wouldn't disappear for years. Nothing but pain and heartache, that was all she ever knew. Seeing the person she love throw her away so easily for someone better after all she's tried to do for him burned her chest. She couldn't hold on anymore. Sometimes it's okay to let go.

"I can help please just let me help! Don't hurt yourself! I'll save you!"

"You're the reason I feel like helpless and broken. I loved you...Jeon Jungkook."


cheat·er -
noun: cheater; plural noun: cheaters
1. a person who acts dishonestly in order to gain an advantage.
• a person who cheats on a sexual partner.


Sorry this took a bit longer then I wanted but I got kind of busy. The next chapter will be out soon, if not by tonight then I'll make sure to write it tomorrow.

I really wasn't wanting to put suicidal thoughts into this only because I don't like it at all. But the story needed to be as...sad as I could make it. The next story will be more bright and may contain smut who knows.

Any suggestions on what character I should do for the next story? Comment below. Don't forget to vote.


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