"Guys chill, I'm sober" I say and they fake gasp.

"Wow! For once??" Froy says.

"Shut the hell up" I scoff.

"What's wrong?" Hunter asks.

I sigh. "Moon came back"

"Oh good! How are things with you and her?" Aiden asks.

"We fucked then after she told me she's dating James and end of it. It's over. We're not gonna talk to each other anymore" I shrug.

They frown. "You'll get her man. She's YOUR girl" Felix asks.

I shake my head. "No. She's not. Not anymore. She's James. I lost the girl I loved. He won" I walk to my room and throw myself on my bed.

Then my door opens, revealing dad.

"Buddy... you can't end it like this. You're NOT gonna end you. I know my son. My son never gives up, never quits, always fights. Where is he? You're not a quitter. You need to fight for the girl, don't give her up to some asshole" he says.

"Dad just forget it. She has feelings for him" I shut my eyes.

"No she doesn't. He's forcing her to do these things. He's pushing her. Not encouraging her. He didn't even look up at her when she asked if she looked good" he says.

I open my eyes and pull my head up. "What the fuck? How do you know?"

"We got our spy Hunter" he chuckles.

"And he didn't look up at her? What an actual douche! I look at her all the damn time! She doesn't even have to ask me! And what do you mean he pushes her?!" I ask.

He sighs. "He begged her to go to that party. So she went. Then when they arrived, she told him she couldn't do it. He said she can then ran off and left her in the car. It's like... she wants to please him... like she's afraid of him"

I run my fingers through my hair then Stefan walks in and shuts the door behind him. "Hey man..." he says.

I put my hand up. "Hey"

"Are you good?" he asks.

"Just talking about Lexi" dad says.

Stefan makes an O shape with his lips. "Well at the party she ran into me while having a panic attack. She told me how James left her when she told him she was gonna panic. Then she went on saying how... she doesn't like seeing you like this. Alcoholic Dodge"

I frown and stand up. "I gotta use the bathroom" I walk to my bathroom that's in my room.

I do my thing and wash my hands before just standing there, looking at myself in the mirror.

God I do look awful...

I look... nasty.

I need to stop.

Stand my ground again at school.

Stop vaping.

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