"Yes.. All of us have known you for a long time. Over ten years... Can you name any of us off...?" The silver guy pressed, but nothing was coming to. I can't believe that I knew them for ten years. I can't even remember my own name, and I knew these guys for ten years...?

"No.. I can't" I looked and studied each face, but nothing seemed familiar about them. " I'm sorry... But none of you look familiar to me." The white haired female looked extremely hurt when I said that. She just walked out of the room with the pink girl following her. The silver guy rushed after them, trying to get them to come back. I was left in the room with the blonde boy, blue guy and the doctors.

"Well, we would like to keep him for a few days to run some test and help him recover. But I will like to know, if there's someone that is willing to stay with him while he recovers. That is after he gets released." The doctor stated, talking to the two guys left in the room. The was a moment of silence as they stared at each other.

"I'll stay with him. I'll take him to his home, and see if it jogs his memory..." The blue one spoke out. His voice scared me, I didn't know he could talk.. "I'll stay with him and help him recover during this."

"Sonic... Is that really a good idea?.." The blonde one sighed, gripping the other's shoulder. So, the blue guy was called Sonic.

"Tails, It's fine. Nothing will happen." Sonic smiled at the blonde guy, now called Tails. The names didn't sound familiar at all.

"Alright, so after a few test, we'll see how he is. How fast he can recover from this and such" The doctor said, looking at something in his hands. They nodded and were lead out.

It's been a few days and they said I was fine. I was still able to walk and all that crap, as I was all healed up. The white haired lady brought clothes for me, from my home I guess? A skin tight white t-shirt and army pants. Was I in the military?

The nurses had to helped me get dress as I really wasn't used to it. I kept wanting to grab things with my left side, but I couldn't. It was gone.. So I did have both of my arms before. Also, the banageds around it helped me guess that too. My shoulder was sore to the touch and throbbed in pain if anything touched it.

Out of nowhere I got a major headache, almost falling on top of the nurses who were helping me. Just this sudden wave of pain washed over my body. My whole body was in pain and I could hardly breath, as I trembled in someone's arms.

"Whoa Shadz.. Calm down.. Breath." Someone touched my shoulder gently and for some reason it felt soothing instead of causing me any pain.

"S... Shadz?..." I looked up, only to meet eye to eye with that blue guy. His face showed that he was really concerned about me.

" Oh... It's a nickname I came up with. I forgot about that..." He looked away, sighing. "You sure you're alright? You nearly collapsed when you stood by yourself." He looked back at me, studying my everymove.

"Y-Yeah... Just a headache." The blue guy helped me stand up on my own and I was ready to go.

After getting signed out and walking to the front door, flashes of light blinded me as we stepped out. Shouting followed soon after, there was so many voices I could barely hear one. The world started getting blurry and my heart was pounding against my chest. Then Sonic stood in front of me and started shouting back. Everyone stopped talking and stopped the flashing lights.

"You people need to stop. Stop trying to bombarded him with questions. Do you really think that will help anyone?" Sonic sighed, "He'll answer questions when he's ready.. Right now, all Shadow wants to do is go home and rest. He still hasn't healed all the way. Doing this is just causing him more pain..." Everyone stood in silence, as security came out and cleared a way for us. They led us to the car and Sonic helped me in. Sonic walked to the other side, getting in. He groaned as he started at the wheel.

"Sorry Shadow... They must of got the word that you woke up." Sonic sighed, as he drives out of the place. He looked so tensed just talking to me. Maybe that was just my imagination but I couldn't help but stress out.

"How... How long was I out?.." Sonic stayed quiet, which caused me more stress. "Sonic... How long was I out?"

"About half a year. 186 days to be exact.... Shadow... Do you really not remember what happened that night...?" Sonic looked at me, his eyes pleading. Have... Have I really been gone that long?

"No... I don't.." He sighed, focusing back on the road. "I'm really sorry..." Sonic just said it was fine, and stayed quiet for the rest of the drive.

I got confused as we turned onto a dirt road that was surrounded by trees. Where was he taking me? Did I live out here? Slowly but surely, a house appeared in the distance. It was actually nice out here. Nice and quiet. I like it out here. It was away from people and it might help me remember who I was. The house seemed huge for just one person as we walked towards it.

"Your work built this house for you. You really did like your peace and quiet." Sonic smiled lightly, walking up the steps. I followed as he looked around. "Do you remember where you hid a key at?" Sonic just laughed, before he walked down the steps lifting a small rock. He picked up a key and walked back up to me.

The second we walked in I saw that everything was so clean, was I really like this? There was dust on stuff of course but everything was in line. It looked like not a single thing was out of place as Sonic was showing me around. Every room was clean and tidy up. The beds were made and the bathrooms were in place. It didn't seem like I had a lot of people over.

"So, you're going to stay here for awhile?" I asked after Sonic showed me around my house.We ended up in the living and just sat around.

"Yeah, just till you get back on your feet. Doc's orders." Sonic yawned, stretching his arms out in front of him. I couldn't help but smile lightly.

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