Chapter Four

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(Shadow's POV)

Sonic was acting weird. Ever since I woke him up, he's seem cautious around me. It's like he's scared of something... Scared of me. What would have scared him this much? It's like he's scared to tell me something. Did it have something to do with me?

I have all of these questions yet no one could answer them but me. I honestly don't know what to do. All of them are expecting me to be.. Well ME. But I don't know who 'me' is. I feel like a failure from what I learned. Apparently, I was this hero and warrior and all these other things. Out of all these things I couldn't remember any of it.

If I was this hero everyone wants me to be, then how did I let this happen to me? Maybe I wasn't the hero everyone thinks I am...

"Hey. Shadz, you okay?" Sonic snapped me out of my trance, his hand waving in front of my face. I forgot that Rouge chick was still here. She was apparently covering my part of my job until I could go back. I didn't know if I could do it.

"Oh. Yeah, just thinking about things..." I heard Rouge sighed as I was still confused at everything that had happened. Sonic said she was my best friend. He said we've been together since she first met me. She was my first friend along with some robot. I was confused with what they mean with an robot. Who can be friends with a robot? Like what was it?

From all I can remember about a robot is... my attacker...


I walked into the testing bay as I was to help with the robots. I was checking a clipboard when out of nowhere, I was slapped across the room into a wall. An robot had suddenly gone haywire as it was getting a system update.

"-----, Stand down! It's just Shadow!" Someone shouted as along other people started shouting after. Rouge stood in front of me, blocking the robot from attacking me. My head throbbed as I tried to stand up. Leaning against the wall, everything felt like it was spinning. Before I knew it, the robot was shut down and was dragged away. I didn't get a chance to see the number code on the series as I wanted that robot destroyed immediately.

"Are you okay Shadow?" Rouge helped me stand straight, her voice full of concern.

"Wh.. What is the robots series and number..." I groaned as I tried to focused my eyes. Rouge just squeezed my shoulder and I knew exactly what she meant.

~End Of Flashback~

"Omega..." Rouge quickly looked over at me as her eyes were wide.

"What?" She barely mumbled out.

"E-123 Omega... That's the robot you guys have been talking about." Was that the same robot that attacked me that night?

"You... remember him?" Sonic seemed shocked, giving Rouge a quick look. They never said a name and yet it came right to me.

"A little... I remember he attacked me once... I didn't know it was him, and I wanted him destroyed... Rouge was there and we were at work I think..." The memory was still blurry as my head was started to hurt. I heard Rouge nearly cry with happiness.

"Th-That's right. It was a system update and he had a glitch during it. Which cause him to attack you." Rouge smiled, "You wanted-"

"I wanted to destroy him immediately but didn't have the heart to." She was shocked when I cut her off, but smiled. "Is he still around?" Sonic sighed.

"They found him destroyed recently and he went missing a few months back before you were attack." Sonic said as he poked his food around, "I'm sorry Shadz."

"Oh" I saw Rouge looked heart broken, this must of been new to her too. The robot was really close to us if it had this effect. I don't remember him completely, but there was still a pain in my chest thinking about him being dead.

"I should be getting back to work. Make sure to rest easy and relax, Shadow. Maybe you can come visit work some time." Rouge said as she walked to the door, stopping right before the door. It looked like she was about to say something, but hesitated then left.

After she left, it just left me with more questions. More of Omega and our friendship. I don't understand most of this and when all of this happened. And I didn't want to know more. It hurt to much to think about any of my past. There were these phantom pains as I knew I forgot about important events in my left. I still can't believe I forgot over ten years of knowing these guys. And each time I tried to remember them, I'd get a sharp pain in my chest.

"Yo Shadz." Sonic was staring at me with a very concerned look. "You don't look so good. What's wrong with your chest?" He was legitimately caring for me. For some reason this felt weird and almost natural.

"I.. um... I just need to lay down..." I just shoved passed him, trying to find my way to the room. I just needed time to myself, I just need to calm down..
(Sonic's POV)

Shadow seemed overwhelmed and I didn't want to bother him. Yet, I just wanted to make sure he was okay. He finally remembered someone at least a little bit, but he learns that they died. That's gotta be a lot on his shoulders, and he'll probably have to cope with his death. I should just leave him alone and check on him later.

I just can't shake the feeling of guilt and pressure. Shadow's life depended on me. Yet, I couldn't tell anyone. I couldn't even say he needed help. If a doctor or anyone found out about that crystal in Shadz heart, that'll be the end of him. How is someone supposed to hold that in? How can I deal with all that pressure? Having to know everyday, you're the reason your... friend died...

Before I knew it, the sun was rising and I spent all night thinking about Shadow. I didn't sleep a wink, and yet, I didn't care.

"Sonic... You okay?" Shadow walked over to me. I just kinda groaned, rolling to my side with my back to him.

"Not really.. I didn't sleep..."

"You've... Been awake this whole time?" Shadow sounded confused. I just nodded, finally getting up.

"How about we go around town today? We'll go slow so it doesn't overwhelm you." Shadow looked concerned when I stumbled around the room, I did not want to do this today.

"Are you sure you can even drive? You don't look good." I just groaned, I needed sleep, but more important Shadow needed help.. He needed to remember before a year has gone by.

"Do you remember how to drive?" That sounded harsher than I wanted to. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

"How about you sleep, and I'll get, um.. Rouge to take me to town. Because you're too much of a jerk right now to do so." Shadow scoffed, walking out. He looked hurt.. Dammit.

I guess I finally did end up falling asleep but it was weird. I don't even remembering falling asleep in the first place.

(Sonic's Nightmare)

Shadow was having a hard time breathing as it was getting closer to the date. Less than an hour was all he had left and Shadow still didn't remember us or himself. Shadow rested his head in my lap as I tried to comfort him.

"Blue..." He coughed violently as I couldn't do anything to help him. Shadow jerked to his side, nearly screaming out in pain. The crystal had to of grown again. He was coughing up blood nonstop. "W-What's happening?" He looked scared as he held his chest.

"It's o-okay Shadz. Just calm down" I watched as Shadow groaned, his eyes dulling by the second. "It'll be o-over soon" By now Shadow couldn't breath without coughing up blood. I watch his grip loosen on his chest as he knew he was losing this battle. "I'm sorry.."

A loud stabbing sound was heard as Shadow froze. He gagged on blood as his eyes slowly rolled back. It's all my fault.... Shadow died because of me... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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