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(Normal POV)

A man found himself lying at the bottom of a cliff, his body was numb. He can't remember how he got there. He felt cold and couldn't move a muscle. 'Have fun remembering' was all that echoed in his mind. What did he have to remember? He tried to think but nothing came to.

'My name.. Is..' The man thought to himself but he couldn't even remember his own name. The sound of talking and flashes of lights suddenly rushed to the man.

His ears twitched as he heard rescue coming. The man couldn't find his voice as he wanted to plead for help. All the man could do stay still and let the people find him.

A blue haired male ran up to him, panicking at the state he saw the injured male was in. The blue haired man called over the others and tried to stay calm for the other. He took off his hoodie and pressed it against the injured man's chest.

The man just stared at him with a dazed look, nothing felt real at the moment. Voices were muffled and echoed as they sounded so far away.

"I-It's gonna be okay Shadz... Just hold on" The blue male said as the others finally started to surround them.The man thought to himself, 'Who is Shadz?...' Did he know this blue haired guy? Just what did this all mean.

As the other began to move him, the man screamed out in pain. It felt as each time he was touched or moved, every nerve in his body reacted negatively to it. The man cried out, trying to beg for them to stop, yet nothing was coming out. They tried to calm him down as they managed to carry him back up the cliff side.

The man choked on his own blood, groaning in pain. The blue haired man helped carry the man out and onto a stretcher. All the man could do was let them do their work to save him as he cried out in pain. Only to feel the world fade away once again.

Voices echoed in the man's head as he slowly faded away. Names and events slowly faded, along with people faces. Faces that he knew, were now blacked out as he forgot them. As he forgot who he was.

-Hours before-

The same man was at work, dressed in an army suit, as he worked on paperwork at his desk. He just wanted to get home. He had spent all day training and doing paperwork all day in his shared office. Only now did his co-worker appeared from her very long break, walking over to her desk.

"Hey Shadow. Why are you still here?" The woman asked, fixing her outfit. She proceeded to walk to her partners desk, leaning on it.

"Finishing up your work that they gave me. You can't keep doing this Rouge." The man, now know as Shadow said, rubbing his temples. He groaned as he gave the his co-worker a nasty glare."

"I never said you had to do it. You could've just left it for me." Rouge rolled her eyes. "But you're not like that. I told you that to leave it for me, yet you do it anyway." She put her hands on her hips. "Just go home you grump. You've had a long day." Shadow sighed, closing the folder he had in his hand. He did just have a long day, it was already nine at night as he's been working since six in the morning. To him, it felt like this day was never going to end.

"Fine. But, you have to finish these tonight Rouge.." Shadow stood up from his desk, stretching. "Understood?" Rouge nodded as Shadow walked for the door, grabbing his things.

"Understood, Captain Grumpy Pants" Rouge laughed to herself as she collected to paperwork from Shadow's desk. He scoffed before walking out of the room.

Shadow made it out of the G.U.N base, heading towards his motorcycle. He decided to stop by a cafe that stayed open late. It was his favorite place to go for some coffee.

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