Is that JungKook?

No, he wouldn't skip music classes.

"And you have no right to judge me for what I've done."


That's Jaehyun. Why does he just always come around? Can't I have a peaceful day without him ruining it?

"And why is that?"

I try my best to be silent as I slowly climb the stairs up to the next floor, where the voices could be heard.

"Who are you anyway?" Jaehyun asks the person.

There's a pause of a few seconds, when all I can hear is heavy breaths. Breaths full of anger.

"I'm her brother."

My eyes widen suddenly.


What is he doing here?

"You don't really look alike, you know..." I hear Jaehyun saying.

I frown. Wait, what? Me and Hoseok have pretty similar traits... How can Jaehyun not see that?

Wait, he... he cannot see that just if...

"Whatever. Answer me now. Why did you do that to her?"

That's not Hobi's voice.

I step closer and peek in the hallway where the boys were. It was pretty dark, but I could still make out the figure of Jaehyun and somebody with a slender body, not too tall...

But my brother is tall.

...Just if that person is not my brother.

"Because she's a crazy bitch that deserves her fate."


"Don't make me tell the principal that you hurt my sister." The other person growls.

That voice...

"If you do that, I'll tell the principal about your precious sister as well." Jaehyun threatens.

What about me?

"What about her?"

I know that voice.

"You don't know anything about your sweet sister, do you?"


"I can tell you she's awesome, sadly just at night."


"Tell. Me. Why. You. Are. Hurting. Her." The other person says. "Now."

The lights in the hallway shift so I can catch a glimpse of the person that pretended to be my brother.

That silvery hair...


"You don't know her enough well, I'm sorry to break it to you."

"What do you mean?"

"She's a player, dude. Your sister is player."

That's when the bell rings. I flinch, my pulse going crazy. I turn around and run towards my classroom. Jimin and Jaehyun can't see me.

After all, I wish I hadn't seen them either.


"Your mom texted you." I say, giving JungKook his phone.

He looks at me with wide eyes and takes it from my hand.

"When?" Was the first thing he asked.

"This past hour, during my literature class." I simply answer, while he was already unlocking his phone. "JungKook, I read that. Chill down a bit, it's nothing bad."

He stops in the middle of his action and he looks at me in a way that made me believe it would've been better if I had shut up.

"You read it?" He repeats.

"Y-yeah." I stutter.

Am I afraid?

Shouldn't you be?

"Why?" He asks.

"I wanted to know..."

"What did you want to know?" he sharply interrupts me.

"Yah, let me finish. I wanted to know what's wrong with you lately. You've been acting a bit weird." I say.

"You could've just asked me." He says, checking his inbox.

"I shouldn't be asking, you should be telling me anyway. JungKook, we're best friends, we're dating, we've been together ever since we were little kids. Whatever would be wrong, you should tell me. I am here for you, no matter what happens."

He looks at me expressionless for a few seconds, then he sighs. He reads the text from his mom and closes his eyes. I don't say anything, waiting for him to calm down. I've known him for so long, for so long that I know him better than I know myself. I know that when he's angry, he's silent. He tries to calm himself down, he tries to swallow his madness, he tries to ignore it. But he's swallowing a part of himself as well through doing this. And I'm scared that one day, he'll lose himself completely while trying to protect the others from his madness.

I can't let him be like that.

He might seem calm now, he might seem even tired, sleepy or whatever. But he's not. There's a storm going on inside him. I can see it in his tensed muscles, in his lips that are pressed in a thin line. I can see that in the way he breathes. It's like I can see right through his skin.

Eventually, he opens his eyes. Then, he says something I wouldn't have expected:

"I don't want to tell you."

My eyes widen and I feel a slight pang in my chest when I hear his words.

"W-why?" I try to say, but my voice comes out as a pathetic whisper instead.

JungKook shrugs.

"I don't know, I don't feel the need to tell you right now. Sorry."

And with that cold, emotionless word, he stands up from the bench where we were both sitting and leaves me alone. He... He just left me here. He left me without looking back. JungKook is mad at me. And for the first time ever, he acts like it. For the first time ever, he is truly mad at me.

Suddenly, I feel the wind blowing cold. That's when I realize that I'm crying.

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