[37]. No More Secrets...

Start from the beginning

Jax: Hey, where are you?

That text was sent almost two hours ago. I've been driving around since then, trying to avoid everything. Trying to dry my tears. I knew I'd have to face Jax today. I couldn't get out of seeing him. If I tried, he'd come over to my house. He couldn't do that. And if I ignored him, well...

Since that first text, I had gotten three more during the course of these two hours.

Jax: Hello?

Jax: I'm starting to worry that you actually tried to speed and went off the road. Text me back.

Jax: I'm serious. I'm worried. Can you please reply?

Then I got five missed calls from Jax. I even got two from Maya, which meant that Jax had contacted her and told her that he couldn't reach me. I was going to text my mom and tell her not to go back to the house, but I knew that Troy wouldn't be there by the time she got back. He wouldn't return to our house for a while, at least. Because he'd be worried that I called the cops. There was no point in scaring my mom. Plus, he made it pretty clear which one of us he wanted.

At least it bought me some time.

Then I got one last text. My most recent one, and the reason that I was heading to the Maxwell Mansion right now.

Jax: I'm going to call the police, Lis, if you don't respond soon.

I scrambled to text him back after that. No. He couldn't do that.

Me: Be there in ten.

This time, at least, that was true.

I was pulling into Jax's driveway, then. My red, blotchy face had nearly cleared up from bawling for the past couple of hours. Of course, Jax would be able to tell I was sobbing, anyway. But I'd come up with some sort of explanation. It didn't matter.

To my surprise, Jax was in the doorway when I pulled up, leaning against the frame. His eyes closely followed my car as it parked, and then they met mine. Something changed in those ocean blues.

Yup, he knew that I had been crying.

I stepped out of the car. I couldn't look at him directly. I don't know if that's because of the shame I felt for making him worry, or because of the shame I felt for not telling him about Troy, or because of the shame I felt just by being in Troy's presence. But I knew that I wasn't ready to talk about this.

Jax didn't say anything to me as I walked up the front steps. It was ridiculous, but I couldn't help but feel like he knew. Somehow, he knew everything. And he was repulsed by me, just like I always feared he would be.

I wordlessly stepped passed him and into the giant foyer. I heard the door click behind me as he shut it. Then I went still, my back to him.


"Are you going to tell me what happened to you?" he finally asked, voice calm and even, but laced with frustration. I fought back more tears. I was a piece of trash, for making him sit here and worry about me. I should've at least texted him, and told him I went for a drive or something. But I hadn't been thinking clearly.

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