"That's wonderful. Mm yes, yes," He murmured. "You know, I've been working here for sometime now and occasionally I like to take a little girl like you under my wing."

"No thanks," I gritted out, a heat wave of anger rising throughout my veins. Ah my God, was he seriously trying to get me to agree to something like that? Gag.

"With age comes wisdom, I could show a beautiful girl like you a thing or two. Mhm we could have lots of fun together. I could be your teacher and you get be my naughty little student."

I felt fingers brush against my neck and snapped. Without any thought or realization of what I was doing, I had his hand twisted painfully behind his back within seconds and shoved him against the wall, slamming my knee into his groin. He howled out in pain and I let him go, watching as he crumbled to the floor of the elevator, pain was the only emotion across his face as he gripped his crotch.

"If you ever look at me or decide to put your fucking hands on me again, it will be the last thing you ever think of doing," I spat, relief flooding through me as the elevator doors opened with a ding.

I exited the elevator quickly, but not before hearing Mr. Ewfirre say, "I like it rough."

I threw up in my mouth.

* * * *

I closed the door to my apartment and locked it behind me, immediately stripping off as I walked towards the bathroom. I needed to scrub the feeling of creep off.

After showering I threw on a tank top and a pair of sweat pants, not bothering with socks. Who bothered wearing socks when they were at home anyway?

Grabbing my computer, I quickly signed into my Facebook account under my hacker alias Talent Elysian.

Not finding anything interesting and not really feeling like talking to anyone, I got up and headed towards the kitchen.


I paused and sighed, hanging my head slightly in defeat. What now? Do I really want to know who sent the message? No.

I'd had enough drama for the day. All I wanted was a substantial amount of junk food and a good movie to take my mind off of things. Grabbing food from the kitchen, I paused, staring at the computer. What if it's something important?

I snatched the laptop and curled up on the couch, stuffing some food In my mouth as I looked at the computer screen.

I brought up my Facebook tab which was blinking, showing I had a new message. Then I choked and coughed when I saw who the message was from.


Though not me, someone had hacked into my Facebook and was chatting with me through my own account.

Romeo- Hey, I couldn't help but find your face sticking out of of the crowd like a beautiful daisy in the middle of the desert. Your lovely personality is the refreshing water to quench my thirst.

Would you be my Juliet?

Romeo <3

I couldn't believe it. Someone had actually hacked MY account and then had the balls to message me from it? Who did this guy think he was?

Me- Get out of my account! I do not appreciate having you hack my account! I will find you and make your life hell.

Romeo- Ah, so you're a rose and not a daisy. That's fine, I find the more thorns a rose has the sweeter the smell.

Awww. Wait what? This guy wasn't being sweet! He has hacked into your account. Get your head together woman! My fingers flew across the keyboard as I hacked into the Facebook mainframe, searching for his IP address.

Me- Who are you? And why did you hack into my account?

His response was almost instant.

Romeo- My darling Rose, I am in search of my one and only. My true love. My soul mate. My Juliet.

Me- Cut the crap and tell me the truth. What's your real name? Why are you really hacking accounts?

Romeo- My identity is secret my Rose. Just know that I have my reasons for doing what I do.

I ignored him, finally finding his IP address. "Yes!" Now all I had to do was track him down.

Me- Your identity won't be secret for long...

Romeo- What is my Rose planning?

Me- I'm not YOUR Rose. And let's just say that you're not the only one with hacking ability.

Romeo- There's those thorns again.. Just be careful of those thorns my Rose, you may find them embedded in your skin instead of others.

Romeo- Until next time..

I had just enough time to read his message before the screen went black.

"No!" I screeched out loud, tapping keys on the computer frantically but it was no use. The computer was dead.

I had security walls in my computer that was supposed to keep people out and he had smashed through them without a problem.

A single rose appearing on the black screen caught my attention and my eyes snapped to it, watching as it blossomed until it took up the entire screen, then fading to nothing. My screen flickered, coming back on as if nothing had happened.

My mouth hung open in shock. How the hell did he do that?

The messages from Romeo were completely wiped clean, no trace that my account had even been hacked except for a photo on my wall that had been posted from a deleted account with a message attached.

The picture was of a hooded man, though it was to dark to really see any of his facial details.

The message made my heart stop and beat at sonic speeds at the same time.

I enjoyed our chat and you've intrigued me just as I'm sure I've intrigued you. Let's be intriguing together shall we?

Be my Juliet to your Romeo..

I'll be anxiously waiting for you to find me.


My heart thundered in my chest as I stared at the screen. Emotions rising inside me; anger, shock, awe... and a hunger for the challenge I'd been looking for for so long.

Do I really want to do this though? I had been trying to get away from my past of hacking not go back to it. But wasn't this my job now to find people like him?

Who was I trying to kid? There was no way I was backing down from this.

A smirk slowly crept across my face and I immediately knew what my choice was going to be.

I was going to find Romeo.

Finding RomeoWhere stories live. Discover now