Chapter 16

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Masky's Perspective

        “Masky, I would like you to meet your partner for this assignment. Killer Kara, I would like you to meet your partner as well. You may change your appearances now.” Slender says to both of us. We take off our masks and look at each other.
       “Masky, this is your partner, Caroline Artumoros, also known as Kara or KK. I believe you already know her story. Killer Kara, this is your partner, Timothy Greyson, also known as Tim. I believe Toby filled you in on his story.” We both exchanged the proper pleasantries and listened to Slender's plan. That lasted all of ten minutes.
        “In short, you want us to continue what we were doing before?” I ask.
        “No, I want you to do what Caroline is doing Timothy. Continue to grow as close as you can to them until they trust us again.”
        “Sir, in all due respect, I believe the only one of us they don't trust is…you.” Kara mentions.
        “I know. I also know it is only Sapphire who distrusts me.”
        “Would you mind telling us why sir?” I ask him. He sighs.
        “Very well. As you know Timothy, their parents were not normal, they were creepypastas. Rogue creepypastas to be exact. In the beginning, I did not want to believe it. Normally, going rogue would be grounds for death. However, I found out that Messenger and Cold Heart were pregnant with the two girls you know now. I didn't have the heart to kill two unborn children. So I banished the four parents from the mansion. Only Messenger and Red Stain resented me for it. While Coleen grew up being beaten and scorned for being born, Sapphire grew up being beaten, mocked, scorned, taunted, and starved for being born and because I had not killed her parents on the spot, had given them mercy instead of death. On the day that Messenger, Red Stain, Cold heart, and Bloody Musician came to kill me, Coleen came to my aid readily, she had given up on having a nice family the day they had her killed, Sapphire did not come to my aid at first, still wishing to have a true family. When she saw how much they were hurting Coleen, she jumped into action against her parents. Coleen had been stabbed, but I did not have my spell books with me and could not heal her, so I helped to fight their parents instead. After the fight was over, Sapphire healed Coleen and became upset with me for not helping her cousin. Before I could explain myself, she told me to leave her be for a year so she could calm down and transported Coleen and herself elsewhere.” He finished.
        “The only thing I don't understand is, why did Coleen give up on having a family so much more easily than Sapphire did? Sapphire had obviously been through worse.” Kara asks.
        “The day they were killed, Coleen's parents were watching. She could see their faces as she was drowned. Sapphire could see neither her own nor Coleen's parents as she was shot in her vital organs. It was Sapphire who was killed first. She felt that it was done this way to give her mercy and that her parents felt guilt as she died. That, if they wanted to torture her, they would kill Coleen first, as she was the most precious thing Sapphire had left.” ‘Wow. They've been through a lot.’
        “With that, it is time for bed. You two still have school tomorrow. Masky, I'd like for you two to give this to them at the party Coleen is throwing for Halloween. Tell them it is from their grandparents.” He hands me a wrapped cube, about a foot in size. I nod and he hands a smaller box to Kara.
        “This is for you to open at the party tomorrow. It is your birthday after all.” She nods in thanks and we head to our separate rooms, both of us ready for sleep.

Death's Double Trioजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें