Chapter 14

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        “Another month. You couldn't give us one more month.” I yell at Slender.
        “You know I would not have sent for you if it was not necessary Messenger.” He uses magic to change my mask and I yank it off.
        “No, not anymore! I refused then and I still refuse now, I will never be Messenger again! I won't follow her steps anymore. I told you that when I left.” I change my mask back with my own magic and put it back on.
        “DJ. Killer. That's my name, and I refuse to let you change it.” I glare at his faceless being.
        “Fine, DJ Killer. Regardless, I still need the skills of Messenger.” I turn from him.
        “Messenger is dead. And before you say anything, so is Red Stain. As well as Cold Heart and Bloody Musician. Of course, you'd know this if you had actually kept an eye on us like you said you would.”
        “Who killed them?” Masky finally pipes in. I look at him with tears in my eyes.
        “Oh, it was them wasn't it?” I turn my head away.
        “There are three ways to become a creepypasta. The first is to die after going insane, the second is to be born one, and the third, is to kill a creepypasta.” Slender says. I decide to finish it for him.
        “I did all three. So did Coleen.” I lower my head and sit down.
        “Our parents were rogues. They killed two of their own to become stronger and made an unsuccessful attempt on Slenderman’s life.”
        “It would have been a success if not for Coleen and Sapphire.” Slender pitches in.
        “It would have been a success if I hadn't had a change of heart.” I correct him.
        “They did hate us. To the point that they beat us before bed every night. They blamed us for their failures as Slender’s proxies and for not being allowed into Zalgo’s ranks. They didn't want kids to start with and thought that just because they were dead, they couldn't have any. Oh, how wrong they were. In the end, they had someone else kill us. They couldn't even look us in our faces as Coleen was drowned and I was shot through the head, the heart, and both lungs.”
        “Coleen and Sapphire were born at exactly midnight on the same day. As rare an occurrence as that is, it is even more rare for it to happen to a creepypasta, let alone the fact that they were born with beating hearts. To top it off, Messenger and Cold Heart were sisters and Red Stain and Bloody Musician were step-brothers. Sapphire and Coleen are connected in a mental sense, a familial sense, and most uncommon, a magical sense. Tell me Masky, what have you noticed about Sapphire’s eyes.”
        “They're purple now. Why did they change?”
        “Sapphire, call the others.” I nod.
        “Lucy, Morrigan, visit time’s over.” I say quietly. I feel my eyes change.
        “What color are they now?” I ask him.
        “They're stormy gray, with royal blue and scarlet red flecks.”
        “Keep watching.” The others leave my body again but stay in the kitchen.
        “Whoa they're purple again, how'd you do that?”
        “Be specific about what they look like.”
        “They're like the perfect purple with stormy gray flecks in them. Why?” I lower my head and smirk.
        “Look behind you.” He does as I say and I hear him yelp. I lean my head back and laugh a little.
        “Timothy, meet Lucy and Morrigan.” He laughs nervously and waves.
        “Timothy, what do you notice about Lucy’s eyes?” Slender asks, pointing to my anger. I hear Masky gulp and then Lucy chuckles leaning in closer to his face.
        “Aw, is the kitten scared? Let me help you with that.” Masky backs away. I chuckle.
        “ I figured she might spook you a bit. Try Morrigan first.” I point to my happiness. He walks over to her.
        “What do you see?”
        “The same purple as yours, with royal blue flecks instead of stormy gray.”
        “Good, now what about Lucy?” He pulls himself together and walks toward her.
        “The same purple again but, with scarlet red flecks this time.”
        “Very good.”
        “But who are they, and why do your eyes change?”
        “Are you aware of how the color spectrum can represent feelings?”
        “Use that knowledge to see what these three are feeling. Their eyes will tell you.” Slender tells him.
        “Lucy’s eyes have red, so anger?” I nod to encourage him.
        “Morrigan’s have blue, so sadness?” I nod again.
        “But yours have gray. Doesn't gray usually mean turmoil?”
        “Correct again, but gray, as in my situation, can also mean blank.” I finally answer him.
        “Lucy is my more hard core feelings. That's why I knew she'd spook you. Her most prominent feelings she shows are anger and lust. Morrigan is my more laid back feelings. The opposite of Lucy. Her most prominent feelings are sadness and joy.”
        “I notice though, that you aren't entirely blank as your eyes suggest.”
        “That's right. Because we're still connected after they take their physical forms, any feelings they have I receive to a lesser extent. Like, if Morrigan were running through the halls because she's so excited then I just wouldn't be able to sit still or stop smiling.”
        “So your eyes change colors to represent your connection and what you're feeling, and Lucy and Morrigan represent your feelings in human form?”
        “Okay then.” He sits down next to me at the table.
        “Thanks guys. Your free to enjoy the party. But tell Coleen and Caroline to come in the kitchen please.” They nod and leave.
        “Wait, Caroline’s here!”
        “You seriously haven't figured it out yet?”
        “Figured out what, Sapphire?” Kara asks as she and Coleen walk in. My anger mode kicks in.
        “How easily I could rip out your throats.” I stand up from my chair.
        “Oh, you're still mad aren't you?” I growl in response.
        “Run for your lives!” Coleen yells out. The two run out of the room but, before I can chase them, something constricts my movement.
        “Let go Slender! I've got a couple of killers to murder!” I yell without looking.
        “Not until you calm down, child.” I continue to struggle.
        “Hey what's this?”

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