Chapter 10

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~The next day~
Coleen’s Perspective

        “Alright, seriously. Tell me what you did to him in there.” I ask again.
        “For the last time C, I'm not telling anyone anytime soon. Regardless of what I do, I do have morals that I intend to keep. Gossiping about something I did in a locked room with a guy, a killer no less, is not something I intend to do.” Sapphire answers as we walk to the school.
        “You are so full of it.” I answer. She laughs at me.
        “I bet you would tell Caroline.” I mutter.
        “Now don't you go thinking like that C. You know every secret there is to know about me. But I know for a fact that you have at least one secret you keep from me. It's the same with Caroline. Why can't I have my secret?” ‘She makes a very valid point.’ I contemplate my answer.
        “How about this? If I tell you my secret, you tell me yours.” I tell her. She looks like she's contemplating now.
        “Alright alright, I yield. We'll switch secrets. But only if Caroline agrees to tell us hers.”
        “Aw, but Caroline's grip on her secrets are super strong. How are we gonna get her to agree?”
        “Simple, I have something both of you want and you both have something I want, secrets. I don't know about yours, but hers is definitely easier to let go of.”
        “What's her secret that you want to know about?”
        “She's got a crush and I want to know who.” We both start chuckling manically. It dies down as we near the school.

Killer Kara’s Perspective

        “Bye guys! See ya later!” I yelled as they left. I turn to Slender when I hear the door close.
        “Sir. Is it ready?”
        “Yes, it is child. Here is your bag, accessorized to represent who you are without giving off too much. I believe you already know you're way around. This is where your file said you were from after all.” I nod my head.
         “And the spell?”
        “Yes, I have found another spell that you can cast yourself as you need it. The others will not recognize you. However, for it to work, you must relinquish something of your past every time you speak it. I do not believe it will be of any help. Do you know of another way to disguise yourself?” He asks me. I think about it a moment.
        “Actually, I do. I'm surprised I never thought to do this before asking you.”
        “So your disguise child?”
        “All I'll need is a red plaid jacket and a pair of jeans. I'll stick with my white tank top and my red knee high converse otherwise.” He nods in approval and hands me the clothes I asked for.
        “Thank you sir.”
        “It is no trouble child. You will be enrolled when you get there. You will only need to obtain your classes.” I nod in understanding and go get ready. I say goodbye to Slender and use radio frequencies to get to the school. I change my eye color from purple to a stormy blue with dark blue, almost purple, flecks while no one is looking. With my new look, I walk into the building and into the office. Spotting Ms. Ellory, I walk up to the front desk.
        “Hi, I'm new here. Caroline Artumoros?”
        “Ah, yes here you are. And here's your schedule. Let me call up a tour guide for you.”
        “Oh no, there's no need I can find my own way around. Thanks though.” I smile as I go to leave.
        “Oh! One more thing though, what's the first class for Coleen Paragast and Sapphire Etts. I know all of their classes are together but they never told me the order.”
        “Having a surprise visit are we? Very well, how about I show you to their class? I believe it's the same as yours anyway.”
        “Really? Well thanks.” She nods and I follow her to my first class, and my friends.
        When we get to the room she has me wait outside the door while she goes in.
        “Well hello Ms. Ellory. What a pleasure to have you come to our room yourself. What's the occasion?” The teacher asks.
        “Hello Mrs. Dearly. Actually, I have a special delivery for you.”
        “Ah, come to swipe one of the girls again so that you can show her off?”
        “Not this time. For once, this little parcel is being delivered by me. She had a special request, so I thought it only fitting.”
        “If so, where is this little parcel of yours?”
        “Right outside. However, Coleen and Sapphire, you might want to come up front for this.” I hear chairs scraping and two sets of footsteps coming toward the front.
        “You can come in now love.” I hear from Ms. Ellory. I steel myself with a deep breath and walk into the room with my head low until I see two sets of feet. I slowly look up at the faces of my two best friends. Coleen was jumping up and down on the balls of her feet while Sapphire’s mouth went from a smirk to a large smile, not unlike Coleen’s.
        “Hey guys.” I say simply.
        “A year, a whole year and all you have to say is hey?” Sapphire steps forward and puts her hand on my cheek. Coleen does the same with my other cheek. My eyes get watery.
        “I missed those faces.”
        “We missed yours too.” They said together. We hug and all of our tears finally let loose, making us a couple of crying messes. When we let go we all wipe our eyes.
        “Oh no, I ruined your makeup.” I already know what they'll say.
        “What makeup?!” We say together in our own personal joke. Laughing right afterwards. I turn to the teacher when we're done.
        “Looks like I'll be in your class Mrs. Dearly.” She gives all of us a once over.
        “Looks like it. Ms. Ellory, you can return to the office now, I believe I have it covered.” The woman nods then leaves the room.
        “As for you two,” she turns to Sapphire and Coleen, who cringe.
        “Since you already know the ropes, and she's a friend of yours, Caroline here will be your new lab partner.” They nod and start toward their table. Just before I can follow them, Mrs. Dearly stops me.
        “Ms. Artumoros, one more thing. I believe you'll be needing this for my class.” She hands me a physics book. I thank her and finally head to my seat.
        “As for the rest of you, since we only have ten minutes left in class and we have a new student, the rest of class shall be a free period.” There was a round of cheering from the rest of my new classmates. ‘Obviously, this doesn't happen very often.’  

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