Chapter 5

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~The end of the day~
Hoodie's perspective

        "Sir, I know you sent us for these six girls specifically, but there seems to be two girls who we found today. They both saw through the spell sir. One asked if Jeff’s smile was real while the other called him Chelsea, saying the first girl couldn't touch his face. The first girl used brute strength in the middle of a cafeteria and the second seems to be linked to the incident that happened three years ago on Halloween. She admitted it herself sir." Masky rants about the two girls we met today.
        "Did someone ask if she did it?" Slenderman asks.
        "No sir. She specifically stated putting a boy in the hospital for a week after a Halloween party and dated it to three years ago." I answer.
        "Keep a close eye on these two. However, don't let it hinder your process on the other six who've already made a kill streak. We wouldn't want to bring anyone in before they're ready, only to have them completely reject the idea and not trust us. Now get some rest. You return tomorrow." He orders.
        "Yes sir." We both answer and everyone heads to their quarters for the night.

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