Chapter 15

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BEN’s Perspective

         “Hey stop! Masky quit! Let go! Hahaha sto-op! Haha se-seriously cu-cut it out hahaha! Pu-put me down hahahaha! That tickles! No! Not there! TIM!”
        “You guys heard that too right?” I ask the rest of the living room.
        “Yeah, kinda hard not to.” Jeff answers.
        “Well we know Masky’s in there, but who's the girl?” LJ asks.
        “Who's missing?” EJ asks.
        “Good point. Looks like all the regulars are here. Any of you girls missing a friend?” I ask them. They look around for a bit and then six of them yelled at once.
        “Sapphire!” They all ran for the kitchen. They walk back in calmly and sit down, going back to what they were doing. I walk to the kitchen doorway and look inside.
        “Aw man!” DJ Killer, Slender, and Masky all jump at my voice.
        “Here's a note for you Masky. The next time you decide to fish something out of a girl’s pocket, could you be a little more discreet. It sounded like you guys were having a sex fest in here.”
        “It would be easier if she quit moving around so much.”
        “Well, excuse me for trying to get a guy’s hand out of my back pocket. Especially when he's no good at getting a simple photo! Slender, did you teach these guys nothing?”
        “Sorry Miss Priss, but not all of us have been learning to do this since we were a kid.”
        “It helped me get that camera from you didn't it?”
        “I thought I told you that never happened!”
        “You did. I just love messing with your head.”
        “Guys, as much as I love your couple bickering, I’ve already got the picture. So, bye!” I run out and lock them in the kitchen.
        “Hey guys! Who wants to see this pic I found?” I yell to the rest of the living room.
        “Oh my underworld! She had it on her?” Killer Kara laughs.
        “Ooh ooh, front or back pocket?” Dancer asks.
        “Back pocket, why?”
        “I'll tell you why. She was expecting him to find it. If she had it in her front pocket, then she would've wanted to forget about it.” Party Killer answers. I look at the picture.
        “Who took this photo?” I ask. Dancer, Deadly Artist, Singer, and Killer Kara raised their hands.
        “That would be us.” Dancer says.
        “That's not happening! You want my group, you go through me first and we both know what happened last time you messed with my family Slender!” We hear DJ Killer yell.
        “Ok, so maybe we took it a little far coming here.” Singer mentions.
        “I'm warning you Slender! Pull them out now!” The kitchen door swings open to reveal a fuming DJ Killer.
        “Girls. Home. Now!” She says as she passes the couch. She stops in the front doorway, waiting for the other five to walk ahead of her. She turns her head slightly and glares at all of us.
        “This is your only warning. Continue to search for the six of us and there will be consequences. When we're ready, we'll contact you. We know how.” She turns her head back and walks out of the mansion. Slender walks in with tears in his suit and Masky at his side in similar condition.
        “What happened?” EJ asks.
        “She showed how dangerous she can really be.” Slender answers, watching after them.
        “Masky, Killer Kara. My office. As for the rest of you, it has become too dangerous to continue your investigations on these girls. You will be pulled out of your school curriculums and placed onto separate cases.” Many of us complain adamantly.
        “If it's so dangerous, then why do you have those two going? There are plenty of Creepypastas who are way stronger than they are. Not to mention more qualified in combat and being hidden. For underworld’s sake, one of them’s never even made a kill and the other hides behind a camera!” Jeff yells above everyone else. Everyone goes silent.
        “Your statement is well put and greatly represented Jeffrey.” We all freeze because the voice doesn't belong to Slender, but Hoodie. The silent proxy.
        “However, I thought you, out of all people, would know better than to question Slenderman.” He walks straight toward Slender.
        “I don't resent your decision sir, but I can't accept it until you give us the reasoning for sending these two instead of someone stronger.”
        “Is that all you need to trust my judgement?” He looks around the room and we all nod in response. He sighs.
        “Very well. It is because, out of all of you, these two are the only ones who know the actual names of the group members.”
        “I understand Masky figuring it out, we had almost a full week after all, but Killer Kara? How'd she figure it out when they just met today?” I ask.
        “About that. When I came here, I told you I had cut all ties with the outside world. Well, I lied. I didn't just meet those girls today and I have killed before. Once every two weeks, I meet up with those girls. While they're killing the rest of the party goers, I'll be killing the management and security guards. I always made sure to leave after you left and I always got back in time to shower off before you got home. Those girls are my killing partners and I've known them since I was a kid. We grew up together.” We all remain quiet.
        “Why are there only ever six members listed?” Jeff asks.
        “We set it up that way so that, if six of us are caught, the cops will think they have the whole group and the seventh can help the other six escape.” She shrugs, looking away. ‘Wow. They really thought this out, didn't they?’
        “So how'd you meet Toby?” Masky asks her.
        “Oh, that! We met shortly after I killed my mom. I was living on my own in a shack outside of town. I guess I got too carried away and everything got messy. I was a suspect, so I decided to lay low until it became a cold case. I'd never met my dad. I had ran out of food one day and went out hunting. That's when I met Toby.” She answered.
        “She was gonna shoot a squirrel with a stick she had attached an arrowhead to. I took off my goggles and mask, as well as my bloody hatchets and jacket, and walked over to her. I didn't want to scare her. I took the arrow from her, removed the arrowhead, sharpened the end of the stick, and handed it back to her.” Toby joined her in explaining.
        “I hit the squirrel right in the head and while he was distracted, pulled another arrow, aiming it at his head. Instead of running in fear, he walked toward me and stopped right in front of the arrow. That surprised me, but what he did afterwards was what surprised me the most.”
        “I sharpened that one too. Haha. The look on her face was priceless when she asked why I wasn't afraid of a killer. I told her I was one too and we started talking about our kills. I stuck around her every day after that. I sharpened her weapons and kept her company and she taught me how to shoot a bow and helped me with jobs in her section of the forest.”
        “This had continued for about a month. He was there when I woke up in the morning, throughout the day, and at night when I went to bed. He never left until I fell asleep. But one day he didn't show up till around dinner. I figured he was on a job, but when he got to my shack, he offered me a place to stay and I agreed. I've been staying here ever since.” They finally finish the story.
        “Well, that took a while. So what, you two are lovey-dovey or something?” LJ asks them. They look at each other with raised eyebrows and start laughing. We all look at them confused.
        “Sorry, sorry. Haha. It's just that…” They continue laughing and Toby answers.
        “We're not exactly…straight.” He shrugs. We all look at them surprised, even Slender.
        “That's why you two wanted to be in the same room?!” He yells.
Killer Kara rubs the back of her neck nervously and Toby hides behind her.
        “Well, we weren't exactly sure how everyone would act and we didn't want a bunch of questions thrown our way.” Toby says.
        “So we just didn't say anything.” Killer Kara finishes for him. We all stay silent as Slender regains his composure.
        “Back to the original topic, do you all accept my decision now?” He asks. We nod and he beckons Killer Kara and Masky to his office, all three of them taking their leave. ‘What to do now?’    

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