Deku's Childhood

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[A/N: The actual story begins in the next chapter; this is just some background information on the Midoriya in this story.]

Waste of Space!
Why don't you die already?
Go away!

    I hear their painful words daily. Maybe it IS better if I just die, just leave this god damn existence behind. Just listen to them. Will they finally be happy? Will it finally stop? Just make it stop. 

     All these thoughts and more raced through my head as I stood over the cliff, maybe it truly is time, but then again I don't want it to be "time." Although, it doesn't matter what I want. I don't think anyone else wants me in this world. I should just listen. Stop being stubborn. 

   Hi, I'm Midoriya Izuku, and this is my story.


[The Doctor's Visit]

(A/N: Just so you know this is older Midoriya looking back at his life, trying to figure what went wrong) 

"It's unlikely you will develop your quirk now, Midoriya. You are already five, so you should have shown SOME signs by now," the doctor takes a big breath and continues with fake enthusiasm, " BUT! You have an extra joint in your pinky toe that most people don't have! So that's good!"

     I honestly stopped listening after the doctor's first sentence. This is it; everything is crumbling. If I'm quirk-less, this is the end for me. My hopes, my dreams, my future. It's all gain not to mention that I will now be the weak target for the rest of the world. This world follows the principle of Social Darwinism: survival of the fittest. And I am officially part of the weakest five percent of this world. I can't wait to see the torture that follows. 


[Life After the Visit]

     Eventually, my secret was out. One by one people started finding out. At first, it didn't really seem real, to them or to me. But life has a funny way of making things incredibly real and incredibly sucky. People realized I was weak and unable to defend myself, so they turned me into a target. A big, weak, green target. I was caught up in verbal and physical bullying at the mere age of five. An outsider with no place in the world.

     Things at home weren't any better. My mom continually refused to talk to me and even ignored the subject entirely.

     There was still one person that gave me hope, my childhood friend Bakugo Katsuki aka Kacchan. We were best friends, I truly loved the guy, but I guess the feelings weren't mutual. Once I was outed as quirk-less, he also started to avoid me, and when I tried to confront him, he turned into the others. 

     He beat me up and walked away.

     Everyone walked away from me, I was abandoned. But that made me want to work harder and prove everyone wrong, I wanted to prove to everyone that I can be a great hero even if I didn't have a special gift. At least, that's what I thought at the time. Being resilient didn't last long. 



     It has been five years since I found out that I was "different," and honestly, I'm still getting treated like shit. My mom still avoids the subject, Kacchan still ignores me, and I'm still a green target. As life goes on, so does my will to become a top hero like All Might. My idol has an extraordinary quirk, but I don't. Still, I keep living and trying to achieve my dream, even if my will depletes little by little. 

   My eyes fluttered open as my alarm clock played All Might's theme song. This morning I felt a little happier. I just had a feeling today would be a good day. [A/N: I added the song just cause of this line, even if the song says "night" :)] I glanced at the clock and ran out of bed. Late again, Deku! Oh yeah, somewhere along the way, I started calling myself Deku too. I ran to the bathroom and thought how wonderful it would be if the toothpaste would just apply itself to my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth. To my surprise, the toothbrush was floating in midair! I didn't overthink it because my mom would often pull stunts like this to make me feel like I have a quirk. It didn't really work. I got ready for the rest of the day and went to hell. I mean school.

     My day was really strange, things kept moving when I thought about them moving. For example, when my teacher said to pull out the textbook and turn to page twenty-four, I tried to look for my book, but it was already on my desk on page twenty-four! Little incidents like this kept happening throughout the day, and only one thought crossed my mind: did I finally get my quirk?

     When I got home, I tried to ask my mom about these new developments, but she just yelled and yelled and told me to give up on my hopeless dream. I mean, this is nothing new, but it still makes me mad. So as always, I stomped to my room and then screamed into my pillow. But as I was screeching, the pillow got hotter and hotter, and then it disappeared. I opened my eyes to see ash scattered all over the room. Just what the hell is going?

     I opened my mouth only to see fire coming out of it! Had I inherited my dad's quirk? Stupid question, obviously I had! Next, I tried to manipulate some objects, but that wasn't working anymore... So I only have my dad's quirk? Just what exactly is going on?

     I thought I was going to be quirk-less for the rest of my life, I thought I would be picked on for the rest of my life, I never thought I actually had the power inside me. All my life has been a series of disappointments, but something good has finally happened. I'm not sure what's going to happen now, but I know I have to master my quirk and became a better hero. I also shouldn't tell anyone, my mom literally went off on me a moment ago, so I'll just keep this to myself. Let's see how this turns out...

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