Ch. 4: The guy with the blue fist of steel

Start from the beginning

After knocking Billy away with a side kick, Jack went for a superman punch with the pipe in hand. Billy quickly blocked the attack with one sword and followed with a swing of his other, Jack barely leaning back in time to dodge it. He then countered by spinning with a shot to the gut, but it seemed to have little effect as Billy swung at him again. Jack ducked back again and jumped into a kick at the same time, knocking Billy back again and bouncing himself back up. The villain then charged at Jack, which led to the hero jumping and flipping over him with a kick to the back.

Billy then turned in time to see a flying pipe collide with his face. Jack followed his attack with a flying karate-like kick to the chest before a bash to the side of his head and uppercut with the pipe until finally landing a spinning roundhouse. Making sure he had no room for air, Jack went for another superman punch, colliding the other pipe with billy's head before flipping up and bringing his foot into Billy's jaw. He then sped into hit, which clever Billy Kerman blocked with one sword and used the other to slice at his side. Jack hissed at the hit, but knew it wasn't bad and wouldn't take long to heal.

He cupped the wound with one arm and faced back towards Billy, whose own wounds were automatically healing even faster then Jack's. The sadistic villain smiled as he waved the sword off, traces of Jack's blood flying off from the blade. The superhero took a deep breath and vengefully let it out as he tried to suck up the pain and move forward with the fight. He even dropped his arm from his side and let both hands hang and clench into rock-hard fist, ready for one hell of a brutal, hard hitting fight. Jack and Billy began to move closer to one another, ready to beat each other to a pulp, and then....

A series of gunshots combined with a bunch of holes bursting into Billy left Jack panicking, cursing and stuttering back. Billy's healing factor somehow kept him alive, but it still hurt like hell and knocked him back. Jack then turned to see the gunman. It was a guy carrying an assault rifle, wearing black Kevlar jeans with combat boots and a blue, sleeveless hoodie with what looked like a fist logo in the center, and he had these hands that didn't look like gloves, but steel. They were blue hands made out of some type of metal, and were attached to these metal looking gauntlets surrounding part of the gunman's lower arms.

Jack then got a good look at the gunman himself once he lowered the gun. He was a tall, blonde haired guy with a bit of a beard growing out and almost seemed like he could be a girl. Jack didn't know what that was about, but not that he had time to figure it out. Because now, the guy had his attention towards Jack.

"Sup bro" he nodded.

"The fuck?" Jack squeaked with bulged eyes and a furrowed brow. He was snapped out of it when the man continued shooting at Billy when he was about to run, but Jack snatched the gun away with his septic webs. "What're you doing?!"

"I'm tryna stop that guy!" he defiantly shouted back.

"Tryna stop that-who are you?" he questioned out of shock.

"I'm Pewdiepie" he answered.

".......Pewda what?" Jack wondered in confusion.

"*sighs* Forget it, just call me Pewds" he irritably said as he took out two pistols.

"Hey!" Jack called before yanking the other guns away with webs.

"What the hell are you doin?!" he shouted.

"What am I doing? Didn't anyone ever tell you the first rule of being a superhero?" he shot back. "Never kill and that kinda stuff"

"Well he's not dead yet, is he?" he defended. "What, you have a problem with someone wanting to help out?"

"I do when they take the direction you are" he nodded. "Or as some people could say, the one direction you are"

"Oh ur clever, ur very fucking clever" Pewds nodded with a middle finger.

"Yea nice hands boy band, how's that fer cleverness?" he continued to jokingly mock. "Look, this is between me and him, so why don't you let me handle this?"

"Yea, because you were clearly handling it just now" now this Pewdiepie character was the one mocking. "And now he's getting away"

Jack turned right on the notion to see Billy running away, jumping and flipping over the other building's rooftops to escape. "Muther fuker!" he exclaimed. "You asshole!" he shouted as he turned back to Pewds.

"Well now, how bout you let me finish this and go rush away Jackie-boy?" he suggested, resulting in a punch to the nose that knocked him down.

"Why don't you stay outta my way, Justin Bieber" Jack shot back before turning to go after Billy. But then, he turned back when Pewdiepie raised his fist, and it suddenly launched at Jack and crashed him into the building's top entrance, crashing through the bricks.

"Justin Bieber wishes he was me ya Irish prick" Pewds arguably and insultingly growled back as his hand retracted back to his arm. He then rose back to his feet and started walking towards Billy's direction as Jack grunted and tried to fight through the enormous pain in his torso. If Jack was a regular human being, that impact would've likely killed him, it was so unbelievably real, hard, and deadly.

"Where the fuk did you get those hands?!" Jack strained as he laid there and his new best friend walked by.

"It's a long story" he bluntly responded as he followed Billy's direction. He jumped over to the next building and jogged his way across to the other end. He scanned the next rooftop over and saw no sign of Billy, but then heard, "Yo bro!" and turned in time to see Jack swing in and kick him to the next building. Pewds bounced off a vent and smached onto the floor of the roof before Jack landed across from him.

"Ah" he clenched his gut, still feeling the effects of the flying metal fist. "That was a hell of a hit, but it's gonna take more then that to keep old Jackaboy down" he warned.

"Ha, ur just lucky I was holding back" Pewds scoffed, and then regained his stance. "But ur luck's about to change, and not for the better"

"Well, then let's go....bro" Jack challenged, and the man with fist of steel started swinging at him. Pewds must've had some type of fighting background, because he was throwing punches like a professional boxer, or any pro fighter at that. However, Jack's quickness kept him from landing a single hit. "Whoop, too slow" Jack mocked after dodging another hit.

But then, it was like Pewds sucked himself up and made himself disappear before Jack's eyes. "Wha the-uh...." he was very confused and shocked about what he just saw, but was snapped out of it when, what felt like a bullet, knocked him back.

Though whatever hit him wasn't as deadly as a bullet, it was still pretty damn hard and effective. Jack got knocked back against a small wall guarding a triangular glass structure on the roof. "Ah, what the fu-" he was cut off by another hit to the side of his head, knocking him over. He grunted at the pain and knew this guy had to have been using some weird trick to gain the advantage. Quickly using Septic Sam, he scanned over every inch of his surroundings and was shocked when he finally caught sight of his new rival.

He was shrunken down to the size of an insect and running straight towards Jack. He jumped an impressive height and flying right at Jack, but was immediately shot away by a septic web and stuck to the wall across. "Ah! What the fuck is this?!" Pewdiepie cried out in horror. Then, as Jack regained his stance, Pewds returned to his normal size, tearing the webs off as it seemed to have somehow extend with him. "Oh my God this is disgusting" he stated, slightly disturbed.

"Dude! What are you?!" Jack questioned in pure disbelief, this guy having been probably the strangest thing he's ever encountered.

But before he could answer, Jack felt a sharp pain in the side of his neck. He reached to where he felt the sting, and pulled out a dart. His eyes bulged in panic before returning his eyes to Pewds, who also had yanked out a dart in his neck.

"Shite balls" FLOP!

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