"Mmm and what's this friends name iris." He tells me putting his shirt on.

"Oh umm do you have to know."

"You know my rules what's the friends name."

"Corey." I tell him real quiet.

"Now I know Corey bet not he no nigga." I put my head down and don't say nun.

"What the fuck I tell you about theses niggas iris?"

"That they only want one thing and stay away from them." I mumble.

"Yeah that's right,Now how do I know this?"

"Because you are one and want the same thing but not with me." I say rolling my eyes. He comes up to me and grabs me.

"What I say about that attitude shit iris." I look him in his eyes and roll them again. He smacks my ass.

"Ight keep on before I make you not sleep in my room no mo with yo scary ass." His heavy ass hands hurt.

"I'm sorry Adian you know I don't like sleeping alone." I say hugging him tight.

"Yeah I know that's why I use it against you,now call this Corey nigga and tell him he no picking you up." To late for that he already texted me he outside. I quickly run for my bag and dash out the door.

"Sorry I love you Adian!!" I say yelling before racing to Corey car. I see Adian come running after me but he's to late. I get in his car and tell him hurry up now and he drives off. Leaving a mad looking Adian. I already know he's going to be mad at me when I get back home.

"Hi Corey."

"Hey iris why was you in such a hurry?"

"Oh umm I thought we where going to be late but mc clock must me wrong." I say making an excuse for why I was running away from Adian.

"Awe Ight we still on for our date tonight." I give him a big smile and nod my head.

"Of course we are silly." I just have to find away to sneak out and not get caught by Arian.

I get home and Adians not here right now because he usually gets off at like 5. But little did I know he's sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"A-Adian w-hat-"he cuts me off and comes over to me.

"Why the fuck did you leave with that dude,do you know how mad you fucking made me!" He yells at me.

"Adian can you chill out he's a friend and-"

"And fucking none thing don't play with me iris you know the fucking rules." I'm really mad right now he acts like he's my dad. Ion even know why I can't date. It's just a stupid rule he made up when I first moved in. I'm tired of bitting my tongue.

"Fuck this Adian I'm not listening to you,I'm tired of you controlling me." I tell him calmly. He looks at me like he wants to kill me.

"First of all iris you live in my house and have been forever I pay the fucking bills so you will-" I cut him off.

"Your not my father Adian stop acting like it."

"I'll stop when you stop acting like a fucking child,I'm tired of this shit."I start to laugh. Your tried of it.

"You know what fuck you Adian." He gets in my face and ducks down to my size.

"Fuck you too iris,get the fuck out my house I'm tired of you and your childish ways." I slap him across the face.

"Fine I will,you'll never be hearing from me again." I turn around and run to my room crying. I start to pack my bag and I text my friend Casey to come get me.

I open the door and standing there is Adian.

"Look I didn't mean what-" I cut him off pushing pass him but he holds me in place.

"Look I'm sorry I was mad,I love you and you know that I don't want you to go I was just mad." I wipe my tears away. I don't say anything. He makes me looks at him.

"I said I'm fucking sorry iris,you know Ian mean nun I said." I look him in the eyes and kiss him he pulls away.

"Wow iris you know I don't feel that why about you,your like-" I cut him off. I just completely embarrassed myself.

"I know and I forgive you I'm sorry for over reacting let's just pretend that kiss never happen.

"Yeah but-" I quickly close the door in his face. I text Casey that she doesn't have to come anymore and I also text Corey that I can't go out tonight. I just want to sit in my room and cry. Me and Adian have never had this big of a fight and i fucked up with kissing him. He has a whole girlfriend and I don't want that to ruin or friendship,but I do love Adian but he doesn't see me like that I guess.



Through the struggleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora