Bookshop - Chapter 15

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Quick note - I've kind of lost track of what day it is in this but yeah enjoy.

March 2013

Harry's pov:

I woke up the day after the date feeling happy. Last night was fun and unexpected. I really had no idea Melody and I would kiss especially not twice. But we did and I have two things to say about that. One, she is an amazing kisser. Two, I really want to do it again.

I have work today and so does Melody so I was both nervous and excited to see her. I didn't know if things were going to be awkward or better between us but I really hoped every thing would be okay.

I grabbed my things and headed out towards my car.


"Hi" I said after taking a seat next to Melody behind the counter. She smiled at me, like a big smile, and that instantly made me smile just as big.

"Hi" she replied. We just sat there for at least a few minutes smiling and staring, not really knowing what to say but not really caring anyway because this felt nice.

Then Jai had to walk out and spoil our moment.

"So guys, I'm going out for a couple hours to a meeting. Penny isn't in today and Lily is coming with me, so work hard and give us a good impression." Jai instructed."okay?"

"Yeah, me and Harry have it all under control."

"Good. Bye guys." Lily followed behind Jai and they disappeared through the doors.

"So how are you?" I spoke. I thought we'd have to start somewhere.

"I'm uh great, thanks. How are you?"



A few seconds passed until Melody leaped out her seat towards me at the same time I went to grab her waist. She ended up falling on my lap and laughing her ass off.

"What were you going to do there?" She asked innocently biting on her lip and moving her face closer. Knowing exactly what she and I were going to do I moved closer. Somehow I felt completely comfortable with Melody, like I could do anything as long as she was there.

"This." I said before grabbing her face and gently pressing our lips together. She wrapped her arms around my neck making us press even more tightly together. Our lips were moving against each other's as fast as they possibly could but it wasn't messy.

My hands rested on her lower back occasionally sliding up and back down.

The kiss we were experiencing now felt just as good as the two we shared yesterday. My heart was still beating as fast as it was last night and I was still feeling an unfamiliar feeling in my stomach I only seemed to get with Melody.

"Excuse me" a voice interrupted. Melody stopped kissing me instantly and flew off of me nearly collapsing on to the floor. I had to stop my self from laughing at her expense and especially not in front of a customer, who we had already gave a bad impression to.

"Sorry sir" I said. The guy looked extremely pissed off but instead of commenting on it, he handed over the books. I quickly gave him his change after he handed over the money and I offered him a 'buy one book, get one free' voucher as an apology which he seemed fairly happy about. When he left I prayed that he was happy enough with the voucher that he wouldn't complain to Jai. I did not want Jai knowing we made out in front of a customer when he specifically told us to give off a good inpression. He would most definitely fire me.

I turned round to Melody who had her head on the counter, probably from embarrassment of being caught making out. I tapped on her shoulder until she finally sat up and acknowledged me.

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