Bookshop - Chapter 1

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I just love days where I can sleep until noon, eat loads of food and just do absouloutly nothing all day. Sadly today was not one of those days.

I can't complain really. I was on holiday for 2 weeks with my two best friends Riley and Naomi who I have known since high school. When we were younger we made a pact that one day all three of us would go on holiday together, I think that's what every teenager wants to do. Go on holiday with their best friends. And we finally did. Although I had to do a hell of a lot of saving up for it from my job at waterstones, but I managed. My mum helped a little too.

Anyway we went to Spain and I got an amazing tan. I'm usually really pale and never go to sun bed's or use fake tan so I was extremely happy I managed to get a tan and a good one at that. Naomi wasn't so lucky she got sunburnt like you've never seen before. It was bad. She looked like a tomato 24 hours a day.

Overall though it was an amazing holiday and now I'm back to reality. Just standing in my freezing kitchen in my shorts at 8am eating weetabix and getting ready to do an eight hour shift at waterstones.

45 minutes later I was ready in my black skinny jeans, white tank top and a red shirt on top. Plus my new white converse. I said bye to my mum and jumped into my car. Yes I still live with my mum but I'm actually looking for a house at the moment. I swear.

The drive to work only took about ten minutes so I arrived a few minutes early. I knew Jai, my boss, would already be in so I quickly sprinted to the shop next door and grabbed some doughnuts for him. When I walked inside right on time Jai was sitting behind the counter counting money. I've known Jai for two years now and we've became quite good friends, only friends though. He has a girlfriend. Plus it's always nice to have a close guy friend and it makes it so much easier that he is around the same age as me.

"Hey Jai, I brought doughnuts for you." I announced, strolling over to the counter and setting them down in front of him. He looked up and smiled. " Thanks Melody, you are a life saver, I didn't have breakfast this morning." he said picking up a doughnut and basically demolishing it.

"So where do you need me today?" I asked, making sure to ask before he shoved another doughnut in his mouth.

"Um I need you to work behind the counter today with a new employee. Lily and Penny are dealing with sorting the books and all" he replied. New employee? We haven't had a new employee in so long, it al most feels strange to even mention it.

"Who's the new employee?" I said, leaning against the counter with a hand on my hip. I could only hope the new employee was a decent person who I can get along with.

"Oh, sorry I forgot to tell you but my mate Harry, I've told you about him before, remember?". I've heard so much about him, even considering how I've never met him but I could tell you a lot about what he gets up to. Jai tells me stories a lot when he's not busy and I find them extremely amusing.

"Oh yeah, the one with loads of tattoos?" He laughed and nodded. I've never actually seen this Harry guy before but I sure have heard plenty of stories about him and what a 'legend' he is. I'm not one to judge but with the stories I've heard, Harrys seems like the typical guy. I hope I'm wrong though.

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