I was so caught of guard I simply just burst into tears, I didn't know why I just did. He sighed and looked at me then carefully wiped away my tears and pulled me into a hug, then he said something I didn't know he was quite capable of. 

"I'm gonna kill Thomas."


"Teresa too, if I have to"

"Gally your not thinking straight"

"Don't tell me I'm crazy, because I'm not. I know what I'm talking about. If the Grievers get Thomas then they will leave us alone, he's the one that changed everything, he should be the one to die. Not Alby or Ben or Luke or Jamie or any of the boys that lost their life last night."

I couldn't fight him, not even if I wanted to and to be completely honest it made sense.

"Okay" I agreed and Gally ordered for them both to be collected from the slammer.


I watched from a distance as they were dragged to the doors. I noticed Chuck rummaging about near the supplies gathering things like food and weapons, I then skeptically glanced at Teresa and Thomas and saw him move as if he wasn't exactly unconscious. I started to walk closer slowly. I didn't want to bring much attention to myself. 

"Seem's like such a waste" Gally spoke with almost no emotion and his face was unreadable, like he'd lost all sense of anything. No one said anything, just waited for whatever was going to happen to unfold. 

"Gally" It was Winston. "It don't feel right man" Then Jeff spoke up.

"Yeah, what if Thomas is right? What if he can lead us home?"

Gally paused and then looked over at me and I shook my head.

"We are home" I said, there was no way I was going back into the world. No one knew what was out there. I knew Gally wouldn't be able to handle it either, what if he met the one who used to beat him..

"Exactly, I don't" He choked up slightly then regained himself. "I don't want to have to cross anymore names of that wall. What if I was crossing of (y/n)'s tomorrow because Thomas let her out into the Maze and she got killed. I know it wouldn't just be me that would be upset."

Then it was Teresa's turn to speak up.

"You really think banishing us is going to solve anything?"

"No. But this isn't a banishing" I was now stood next to Gally and as sick as it felt deep down I wanted this power.

"This is an offering" I said with a newfound confidence in Gally's choice. I had no idea where it came from, it was like I was being told to feel this way.

"You really think we're gonna let Thomas out into the Maze after what he's done."

"Look around you guys, look at our Galde, our home it's gone. All the memories. Everything."

"When the Grievers get what they came here for, everything goes back to the way it was."

I felt so connected and empowered by Gally's new authority, and the fact that he shared it with me. We were finally a team again, fighting this world together, not fighting each other anymore.

"You two are crazy, are you listening to this?" I hated this girl with a fiery passion and the adrenaline pumping through me was enough to make me spontaneously grab the knife out of Gally's shorts and throw it at the post Tresa was tied to. Once it landed with a thud I felt a kiss on my cheek that sent electricity jump through my face.

"If you stay here the Grievers are gonna keep coming back and they will keep coming until you're all dead." 

She does not give up does she. "Tie him up, you. You shut the hell up" 

I stared at Teresa focusing my hardest glare.

"Did you hear her? Tie him up." 

Then without any warning Thomas, Teresa, Minho, Chuck, Frypan and Newt sprung to life and were tackling and kicking gladers until they were all stood next to each other. Weapons faced outward ready to fight.

"What the hell is going on here then?" Gally asked, more annoyed and frustrated more than anything.

"Gally. We're going home, and you can't stop us. There is no way we are staying here. We're getting out."

I saw Gally bite down on his teeth as he swallowed anything he might have to say causing a flush of sense come back to me. Like the power I felt with Gally had been turned off.

"It's not to late, we can get out of here, back to out real lives. Do none of you want to know who you were before the Glade? Either we make it out or we die trying"

To my surprise people started walking towards the group and I was tempted now but I wasn't leaving Gally. I looked at them as I linked my hands with his and we both stood a little taller now that we were together. I scanned all their faces and stopped when I came to Newt.

His eye's were so sad, they said so many things to me in such a small amount of time.

I believed in you. We could have been us. Come with us, it's not to late. We can start a fresh. Please.

"Good luck against the grievers." Is all Gally said.

As Thomas nodded and excepted that we weren't coming I mouthed something to Newt.

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