Chapter Two: Last American Breakfast

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"Maddie!" The word flies out of my mouth as I wake up from the dream. I feel myself shaking. 

And here we go again.

It was just a dream. It was just a dream. 

I repeat to myself several times. I scratch my neck and face the mirror. The water is running down my face like I've just had a bath. It's from the sweating or it's the tears that start to fall from down from my eyes. After all this time, two years and all I can do is still only sit and watch myself break down over and over again. 

It's been two years since my older sister Maddie, who was 20, killed herself. I never got over it even though I keep telling everybody including myself I did. The truth is that it left a major scar on me and my entire self has changed drastically since then. I was drifting between thoughts that made me starve myself, kill myself or simply made me numb.All to forget the empty place that I constantly felt inside. And the worst about it was that nobody knew. I refused to talk about it with my dad and even Diane. She was a good friend and respected me but now it was another thing that frightened me out. How was I gonna do okay for a month in London? 

I sigh and wipe away the tears. Getting up from the bed I climb into my small bathroom and let the cold water pure on my pale body. What I saw was not a healthy body, it was a body full of scars and sadness. It was a body of a fucked up person, not a happy teen. 

As I get out I get dressed and with a lot of effort zip my suitcase. I manage to take it downstairs and find my dad there reading newspaper. 

"Morning traveller!" He jumps from his chair full of excitement and I decide to play along since I want him to think that I am excited, he deserves it so much after all. 

"Morning captain." I kiss him on the cheek and get to the door. 

"Breakfast at Larnie's?" I pop out a wish to stop by at our favourite place not far from the train station since I want to feel something familiar before the trip starts.

"Sure sunshine." He replies and drags my suitcase outside and we both start to walk towards the place. 

Luckily we didn't live far from anything because we couldn't afford a car or anything else than my stylish yellow bike.

"Here you go darling." Larnie hands me my favourite cinnamon roll and a soya-milk latte. 

"Thanks." I smile back at him and sit down thinking how long could I possibly spend eating this breakfast so I didn't actually have to get to the airport. But one last thought flashed through my head while I was eating. Maddie would want me to go, she would try to get me out of my introvertal antisocial bubble and go live a little. And she'd be right, I needed that back then, so now I probably need it much more. 

Well no way back, this was my last American breakfast and from now, something new ( and still mind blowing and horrifying) was about to happen'. 


Adding two additional cast members:

Adding two additional cast members:

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Jude Law 


Meryl's Father

Meryl's Father

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Caity Lotz 



Hello, so I'm trying my best to update at least first 5 chapters fast so the story would open itself faster. It is hard to get to more exciting parts, but they will come, I promise :D 

Thank you for every read you give me 

xx WLD 

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