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People tend to overlook the problems of others. Nowadays we hear about anxiety, self-hate, depression and everything so often but when we are actually faced with it we ignore it or just simply don't see it. We analyze the illnesses and we create hundred helping ways but sometimes we don't let us think that someone next to us could be the one searching for help. We are blind. And people are still scared to reach out.
I am one of them.
I did not know how serious it was.
Here begins my story.


Hello everybody!! I am so sorry for my dissappearance from Wattpad and from unpublishing most of my stories. This one is brand new but I also intend to return some of the previous ones, just haven't decided which ones yet. I will from now on be very active as I have now so much more time and joy to write new stories espetially this one because it is very personal for me and I can't wait for you to read it:) Thank you all for being here and reading.

xx WLD

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