Caption 74

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i want to do everything with you, whether it's spontaneous as traveling to the beach or dressing up going out to the movies to watch incredibles 2, or as little as laying in bed having a movie marathon or having a water balloon fight on a hot summer day. i don't care what we do as long as i'm with you and as long as you love me. i want to experience everything with you like the feeling i get when me and you sit on the beach at night, listening to the waves crash while we talk about everything, sitting on a blanket feeling the breeze, i want to be with you when i feel those amazing experiences that i won't ever forget. i want to go through everything you, like arguments or moving into a house together. i want to comfort you when there is a death in the family or friend or when your depression is kicking in, etc. i want to experience everything in life with you.

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