Caption 60

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"I love you. (Delete)
did you ever love me? (Delete)
Was I just somebody you used to feel better about yourself? (Delete)
Well, here's me making you feel better about yourself:
You're the most amazing person I've ever met in my life. Nobody could ever take your place. I love you more than words can say. (Delete)
Yeah, you fucked me over, but I still think you're great. I don't know if that says more about me or more about you. I don't know if that makes me pathetic or kindhearted. I always saw good in you.(Delete)
I know I didn't always act like you were important to me. I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry I didn't shove it down your throat everyday, tell you that you were worth everything to me; I'm sorry I held your mistakes against you so much. I didn't realize you were struggling too. (Delete)
You're the first person I want to tell anything to. Like did you hear who our first-ex friend is hooking up with? Did you see that Facebook status? Did you see that car crash on route 29? Did you know they are more microbes on your body than people on earth? (Delete)
But I also want you to know you're special. I want you to know that somebody loves you, even if they're far away. I want you to know how you lifted up my spirits by just existing. (Delete)
Then I think: where's my "I love you"? Where's my "thank you for existing"? Where my "you're special" and "I appreciate you" and "you're important to me"?
Why am I always the one trying to make this work? Why don't you value me? (Delete)
You told me you'd always answer my text messages, probably even in your sleep. I can't believe someone so goddamn beautiful could do such ugly things. (Delete)
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