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"Every girl I know is terrified and shaking, trembling with fear that she's too loud or too much or too intrusive, stepping over some made-up bounds, scared to throw her weight around put her stake in the ground and let out a wail, a word, a whimper. I want to tell her ; stop acting so small. you are meant to be here. Stop qualifying everything, using those buts though to justify each sentiment soften the blow of every declaration. Stop feeling timid and unsure and convincing yourself that you're doing it all wrong. Being alone or opinionated or smart is not mutually exclusive with being beautiful or confident or something that anyone or everyone finds desirable. Speak deliberately, with conviction, make no apologies for your feelings and your choices and the things that fill you up. Stop thinking you must be meek or delicate or allusive or fulfill some idea of feminine that's been projected upon you. (did anyone ever ask us?) I want to tell her; blood and skin and muscle and bone. You are tendon, tooth, and nail. act like it. screech, laugh, throw your head back as you cackle, raise your glass, take a big gulps and raise it again,dance with your whole body,don't tap your foot and nod your head like you're unaffected, allow yourself to he wholly affected, to feel every inch and every second of your reality , shake your hips, flail your arms, shuffle your feet, kick your legs, flip your hair , make your physicality known , inhale the music, let it seep into your pores and come out your nerve endings like electricity, catch fire and don't look back once, leave them staring in awr at the smoke and the debris and the clouds of dust behind you. I am telling you: you are worthy. You are beautiful. You are meant to be here. I am asking you: are you still terrified and shaking, using those buts and thoughts? I am asking you: do you know your beautiful? Act like it."

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