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Days became weeks, weeks became months, I became closer to Safeenah, Rahma and Safeenah are now friends, so we were just like the three besties. Rahma got admitted into Nile university, studying architecture, we mostly spent weekends together, in our school, her's, her aunt's place or Feenah's. Our family knew each other and were also more like friends too, anytime my family visited, her's does same which made them became acquainted, and whenever Rahma's family visited her they always branched our side. These made us enjoyed our stay there, we lacked nothing and were very happy and contented but trust me there wasn't an atom of love for that profession.

We've spent 4 months in the school and were about to be posted to hospital for clinicals.

The class representative announced that the list was pasted and everyone should check his or her name, on leaving the class we stopped by and checked.

Using my index finger I searched for my name while Feenah carelessly sat on a chair.

"ACCIDENT AND EMERGENCY ROOM!!!", I screamed confused.

"You've got to be kidding me, wtf?", Feenah asked.

"Omg! Both of us are there, it can't be possible, out of all wards, there???", I incoherently uttered while Feenah just shrugged it off and left.

Friday being the short day made us close early, we got ourselves ready and waited for Feenah's driver, bringing out my phone I dialed my dad's number.

"Assalaamu alaikum, good afternoon baba", I greeted.

"Wa alaikumus salam, good afternoon my dear, how was class today?", he asked.

"Class was fine and less hectic, Friday are always so", I happily said.

"Yea I can hear the excitement in your voice, don't be a lazy nurse thou", he said.

I frowned for calling me a nurse and said "baba you know I'm not lazy".

"If you say so" he chuckled again and said "uhhmm Alhaji Maghreb called earlier this morning that you're spending the weekend over with them", he was silent for a while to hear from me.

"Okay", I said curtly.

"Okay be a good girl and don't disturb", he warned.

"Thank you baba, have a pleasant weekend", I squealed through the phone.

We stopped by and picked Rahma up before zooming off to the Maghreb's.

"Assalaamu alaikum", we chorused all together.

"Wa alaikumus salam", Ammie and ya Khalifa answered.

"Welcome my dollies give me a hug", Ammie widely grinned and gestured for us to give her a hug.

We all jumped up and gave her a warmly hug.

You girls wanna break my mom's old bones right?, Ya Khalifa ridiculously said arching a brow.

Feenah speedily jumped on him sticking her tongue out at him.

"Gosh! Not again spoilt brat", he said tickling her tummy.

We all laughed at their childishness and left for her room, Ammie shouting "freshen up lunch is ready".

Jumping on her master's size bed, I sighed and said "Ammie just made me  miss my mom more, they're so similar".

"Yeah I can testify to that, maama is very lovely but mommy is kinda stricter", Rahma said.

We freshened up and went to the dining table, varieties were served, ya khalifa shortly joined us.

"Hmmm! Who smells lavender? ", He asked taking a deep breathe, how I love lavenders.

We looked at each other suspiciously trying to perceive the smell.

"I used papaya shower gel", Feenah said raising her left hand.

"I used strawberry", I said doing same.

Six eyes were on Rahma waiting for her confession, she looked up flummoxed, glared at us and said "yes I was the one that used it,so?".

We all laughed at how her cheeks blushfully flushed and how embarrassed she looked.

The next day we attended Feenah's cousin's wedding dinner, we really had fun that day, Rahma had cramps which made us left early.

Rahma was rolling on bed with both hands on her abdomen while I and Feenah just sat by her sides like some helpless patient's relatives.

"I thought you guys are supposed to be student nurses for heaven sake?", She growled.

"Oh really?", Feenah rolled her eyes while I sat clueless.

"Are you guys deceiving us? God! Have you been ditching classes? Lord have mercy, wth???", She ranted.

"Okay what do you want us to do?", I asked.

"Do anything, anything that will take the pains away, not sit like some clueless lost puppies", she roared.

"Okay lie down let's examine you, btw self medication is bad y'know", Feenah said.

"You're joking.. right? Babe is just menstrual pain.. c'mon", Rahma uttered amazed.

"Wateva", I rolled my eyes.

Let's go to the first-aid room and see what we can do? Or should I call the domicile doc.?", Feenah asked.

"What a giant embarrassment", she irked.

We went to their first-aid room and brought a sachet of Felvin.

"Babe get up and take this, Feenah get her something to eat", I said.

"I hope you guys ain't trynna massacre me", she asked furrowing her brows questionably.

"Trust us girl, we ain't that bad", Feenah entered with a bowl of cereal in her hands.

"You wish I can trust you, jackass nurses", she mumbled.

"Can you just shut up, obey, appreciate and stop running mouth", I said annoyed.

"Okay ma'am", she quietly said.

"Take this", I said stretching my hand, "you take 40mg now", I ordered just like the fake nurse I was.

"Are all nurses harsh?", Rahma whispered to herself.

"I've heard that!", I shouted.

"Were you not supposed to hear it", she snorted as she swallowed the tablets.

The weekend went in a blur and we were to go back to school on Monday morning.

Another chappie down guys, don't you think I deserve some praise???😉
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