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This chapter is dedicated to my great novelist, my bard and my poetess @booklover_bae, thank you for your support.

Today being Monday, we resumed our various wards, I felt so weak, scared and doomed not knowing what I was going to face in emergency room. On our way, I prayed that Allah should make me be able to control myself and not let me be embarrassed nor disgraced.

On reaching the building, we heard lures of siren which caught our attention.

"Babe what's going on, am getting scared already", I mumbled.

"Calm your horses girl, let us move further", she curiously said.

"Further ke! I'm not moving an inch from here, my heart is beating higher than normal, I stuttered clutching my chest.

Feenah and other students moved forward to see what was going on while I silently walked to the ward.

"Opppss, sorry I wasn't focused" I stuttered after bumping into someone.

"Watch out lost puppy", he said and ambled out.

"What a snob, who does he think he is to call me a lost puppy", I kept ranting until I saw Feenah making her way to me.

"Got into a fight?" she asked scrutinizing my face.

"I mistakenly bumped into some supercilious kinda person, who doesn't have respect for people" I blurted.

"Not again" she said hands akimbo, "Why do you keep bumping into people?who is this snob sefff, we've got to deal with him wallah, why would he annoy my pretty looking angle this early morning ", she sniggered suppressing the laugh she was about to burst.

I just rolled my eyes at her and left to the matron's office where all of us were summoned.

"Good morning ma'am" we greeted respectively.

"Good morning girls, how are we doing today, hope you are here with your full energy and have broke your fast because this ward is a "NO JOKE WARD", she said air quoting her words.

"Yes ma'am" we all chorused.

"Okay we are going to orientate you first before allocating you to various stations" she said getting up.

She allocated me to cubicle 4, were I was having 2 patients to care for, I brought our their folders and sat on a stool, one of them whose name was Aliyu Magaji had an asthmatic attack which landed him into casualty and the other patient David Sunday was involved in a road traffic accident.

"Have you checked their vital signs?" the senior nurse I was working with asked.

"No ma'am, I'm about doing that" I quietly said and stood up.

"Lord have mercy on my life, I don't wanna see that patient again", I inwardly growled.

"Which patient?" the nurse queried.

"Did I say that loud?" I looked up confused.

She looked back at me furrowing her "irregular in outline" brows.

"God! sorry ma'am, is that RTA patient.. I'm scared of touching him and I hate seeing blood ma'am " I pathetically said.

"Don't let your patient hear that, is very bad of you to say such, you are to show love and compassion to your patients no matter who they are and what situation they are in, never feel irritated, never discriminate or show lack of interest to them, is very very bad. So please let me not hear that from you again if you want us to be friends" she scolded patting my back.

"Okay" I said with watery eyes and left.

I checked Aliyu's vital signs first while the nurse was watchdogging me before moving to the next patient. As soon as I reached his bedside, I started feeling giddy and lightheaded and before I could realise what was happening I slumped down.

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