"My bad, you stupid frog." She finally responded, closing her door and grabbing her laptop from the floor to set it on her desk.

The boy—Zephyr—rolled his eyes as he plopped down on her couch.

"Well, do you have any idea what you want to wear?" Another close friend—Cielo—spoke up.

Y/N just shrugged her shoulders and sat on her desk chair.

"Ugh you're hopeless. I'll pick it out!" The last of the group—Amethyst—groaned out.

Y/N didn't even respond as the girl shot up to start going through her closet. She just began to take off her hair and face mask so she could do her makeup and hair. Since she knew they'd succeed in dragging her out; fuck the plan she supposedly made.

A few hours had passed since the group had gone out to the bars. In all honesty, Y/N knew her friends had more fun when they were at the pregame rather than them being in the bars with sweaty people and touchy drunks. However, she still tried her best to have a good time.

She swayed her hips to the song currently playing loudly from the speakers in the bar. Oddly enough, the song was Party In The USA by Miley Cyrus. While the song was an absolute banger, Y/N couldn't help but feel like it was a weird song to be playing at the bars.

She laughed lowly to herself before pulling Cielo closer to her so they could dance without someone grinding on them.

Another couple of hours passed and the group found themselves, amongst a few other drunk people they knew, walking along the beach.

If Y/N wasn't drunk at this moment, she would be petrified. Being at the beach at night, when a storm is rolling in pretty soon, is honestly terrifying. All anyone could hear were the waves crashing loudly, along with the far off sounding thunder.

Yet because Y/N was drunk, all she could do was laugh loudly at some stupid joke her friends made, and causally walk along the shore with her sneakers hanging from her hands.

The group stopped at a small bon fire, all plopping down in the sand and talking about various things at once. They were all really loud, but none of them cared.

"Let's play truth or dare!" someone yelled loudly over the group of drunk teenagers.

Everyone yelled out sounds of agreement, thrusting them into an idiotic game of Truth or Dare.

A couple dares in and it was Y/N's turn. And being the drunk she is, she chose dare. Her reasoning? It would be 'unmanly' to choose otherwise.

"I dare you to strip and go take a swim!" Zephyr suddenly yelled out.

Y/N's nose crinkled in thought. 'Should I? I mean, it would be unmanly to turn down a dare.. but it's kind of dangerous? Ehhh who the hell cares!'  She suddenly shot up from her seat on the ground, swaying a bit due to the dizziness from her sudden action.

After stabilizing herself, she stripped down to her bralette and boy short panties before sprinting off.

She heard shouts of her friends saying not to do it but she couldn't care less. 'This was the manly thing to do!' She thought as she walked into the water.

It was cold as hell. The coldness was slowly sobering her up, the farther she went in the water.

The water was now just below her bra. 'All I have to do is duck my head under and go back. It'll be fine.' She assured her shaking self.

"Y/N! Get out of the water it's dangerous!" Amethyst yelled in panic as she noticed the H/C girl going farther into the water. This whole situation was stressing her out and she refused to calm down until her friend was safely back on the beach

"Coming!" Y/N yelled as she went under in the water to get her whole body in.

As she went under she heard a large crack roar above her, causing her to panic. She shot up from the water just in time to see the lightning dance its way through the clouds.

Her heart was beating fast as she began to swim back to shore.

She hadn't noticed how far out she swam until she realized how far of the shore looked from where she was currently treading in the water.

Y/N suddenly began to feel nauseous as she tried to swim fast to shore. She could hear the thunderstorm getting closer with each crack of thunder and lightning that sounded throughout the sky.

She could see the outlines of all three of her friends near the shore and she began to swim faster.

She noticed that the faster she swam, the harsher the waters current began to be.

She was now full on scared and sober. She began to scream out to her friends in pure horror as she realized she was in trouble.

"Call 9-1-1!" Cielo cried out to the people around her. She was now in full panic mode.

Y/N began to suddenly feel extremely tired. Like the water sucked the energy out of her. She noticed her attempts to swim faster were becoming less and less successful.

Her eyes began to sting as the sky began to cry too.

She felt herself become more and more exhausted as she slowly stopped swimming. She felt herself giving up, even though her mind screamed not to. It was like her body was in control, and she could do nothing but watch.

She felt a tug, and suddenly she was under the water.

Over the screams of her friends, and the faint sounds of the police, she swore she heard someone say something.

Muffled because of the water that was slowly finding its way in her lungs and blocking out her ears, she swore she heard it.

"It's fine now. Why? Because I am here!"


Oof. So it's the end of the first chapter.. that went uhh? In a different direction than I was anticipating lol. I apologize if this chapter has triggered anyone or made them uncomfortable. It was not my intention to make anyone upset! ILY OK? Anyways, it doesn't take a genius to know who said that last line!!


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